Meeting of the maximals and if i can dream of a chained melody world

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When Tristan was still in the jungle he walked out of the jungle and sees the village that he knew when he was traveling in Peru for a few days before his race and when he was greeted by the tribe's leader

Amaru: Allin hamusqayki llaqtanchik puriqman. ( welcome to our village traveler)

Tristan: Gracias kusikuymi kaypi kayqa ( thank you it's a pleasure to be here)

While Tristan was talking to the tribe and helping them out while they help him out with his studies that he wants to learn we are back with Elena and Noah in the jungle

Optimus Primal: Who are you?! And why are you hunting for the key?

[Noah aims a wrist-mounted blaster at him. Mirage appears at the top of a cliff, pointing his blaster at Primal.]

Mirage: Yo, Donkey Kong! Stay away from my friends!

Noah: Uh, Mirage!

Mirage: Don't worry! Ya boy's got this!

[Cheetor pounces out of the bushes and on top of Mirage. Mirage squeals.]

Mirage: Stranger danger! Stranger danger!

Wheeljack: Hey, hey! Heyheyhey! Not so fa--!

[Wheeljack is knocked offscreen by Rhinox, who roars in Noah and Elena's faces.]

Wheeljack: Ay yi yi...

[Arcee gracefully clambers over a rock, aiming her guns at Cheetor.]

Arcee: Hey! Over here, kitty kitty!

[Optimus Prime leaps over Rhinox, aiming his gun at Primal.]

Prime: Stand down!

[Primal roars.]

Prime: I won't ask a second time...

[The two robot factions have a standoff until Airazor flies in to intervene.]

Airazor: No! All of you, stop!

Primal: Airazor!

Airazor: Primal! I thought you were lost. All of you.

Primal: The others, are they...?

Airazor: I am all that is left. Prime, these are my fellow Maximals. Rhinox. (Rhinox snorts) Cheetor.

Cheetor: Sorry about scaring you, brother.

Mirage: Scared? (scoffs) Please. I'm not scared. (oil trickles out of his body like he wet himself) That's just engine oil. (Mirage chuckles)

Airazor: And our leader, Optimus Primal.

Prime: "Optimus Primal"?

Primal: Named after you. The legendary warrior of Cybertron. It's an honor. Airazor, I'm happy to see you, old friend, but bringing others here was not part of our plan. I fear you bring dark tidings.

Airazor: Scourge has come to Earth.

Primal: He's found us.

Airazor: And he has half of the key. We must find the second piece before he does.

Elena: But it wasn't in the cave.

Primal: It was, but we moved it long ago to keep it safe.

Airazor: Where is it now?

Primal: Come with me.

[As they follow Primal, Elena notices the corrupted mark on Airazor's wing.]

Elena: That doesn't look so good.

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