Mirages sacrifice and don't call it a comeback

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Mirage: Nope. Missed me.

Mirage: Noah, get to the key!

Noah: Mirage!

Scourge: What do we have here?

Noah: Hey, let me go!

Scourge: Brave, but futile. Just like the other one risking your life, but soon to be destroyed.

Mirage: Hey! Don't mess with my boy!

Scourge: No one will remember this pathetic planet. And no one will remember you. You will die like these pathetic vermin of a species.

Noah: Mirage, what are you doing?!

Mirage: Keeping my promise.

Noah: Mirage, no! Come on, you gotta get up!

Mirage: It's okay, Noah. Home-- home team.

Noah: Home team.

Noah: Mirage! Mirage? Mirage?

Scourge: Kill the other human. but this other one stays alive for our master to enslave

Optimus Prime: Unicron.

Unicron: You fought bravely, but this world is already mine. as well this human is mine to control. You have lost prime.

Elena: We're too late!

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) Hey Knuckles, you there? Over? Yo, Sonic.

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) Kris.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) Noah? What's going on? Where's Mirage?

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) He-- he's gone.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) Gone?

Arcee: No.

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) I'm sorry, Kris. I'm not gonna win this one.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) We don't lose, right?

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) I wish that were true, but I can't.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) Yes, you can.

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) No. No, man, I'm not you.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) I hate being sick. Whenever I wanna give up, you're always there telling me to keep going. But now it's my turn. Keep going, Noah! You think you're a nobody, but you're the strongest guy I know!

Mirage: You guys are so cute.

Noah: Mirage? You're alive?

Mirage: Yeah, but I'm gonna need you to take the wheel. and Noah save Tristan for bumblebee

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) You can do this. You're my brother. Noah Diaz. From Wilson Avenue. Apartment 2C Brooklyn, New York.

Noah: (via walkie-talkie) No names over the airwaves.

Kris: (via walkie-talkie) Forget that. Let 'em know who you are.

Noah: Yo, Scourge! Remember me?

Scourge: You think you can take me on alone? you die like the other human before you

Optimus Prime: He is not alone. and I will take your face off for what you did to him.

Elena: I'm never leaving Brooklyn again.

[The tower sends out a shockwave, sparking energon to life on Earth. Stratosphere watches this from afar.]

Stratosphere: Ahhh, energon.

[The rocks that Bumblebee's body lies on glows with energon.]

Noah: Prime!

Cheetor: Noah!

Nightbird: I'm getting really tired of you humans. After the other one is dead you will get tortured next.

[Stratosphere flies in. Inside him, the cargo door opens as a revived Bumblebee is ready for battle. He plays LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out (Sam Wilkes Remix)" on his radio as he dives down and fires his cannons at the Freezers and spheres. Optimus sees his comeback in awe.]

Prime: Bee!

[Nightbird sees this in fury and gets out her blades.]

Nightbird: You again! You should have stayed dead! Like your friend!

[She flies up to fight Bumblebee. Scourge fires at the Autobot, who uses Nightbird as a shield before taking one of her wings and stabbing her with it, blowing the Terrorcon to pieces. Bumblebee lands down on the ground, ready to join the battle.]

Bumblebee: (audio clip from They Live) I have come here to kick ass!

Noah: Glad to have you back.

Bumblebee: (audio clip from can't touch this from mc hammer) I told you homeboy can't touch this.

(Start time at 0:48)

Noah: all right let's do this bee.

Short chapter, but I'm trying my best to like cut some parts from the script of the movie into different chapters. I don't know if the next one will be shorter or longer depending how am I gonna work it out? Don't worry Tristan might be alive or dead soon we don't know for sure in the next chapter to my transformers fans let's roll out. See you next time. Gotta do work for my hero book that includes the X-Men and possibly my own new transformer book that is heavily inspired by my Stop Motion possibly but anyway see you guys soon til all our one

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