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beach club antics

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beach club antics

"How are you feeling this morning?" Isa asked Jessie the next day as she joined Isa and Claudia on the day beds.

"I just want to hug you both," the Australian said. "Because I really can't thank you enough for like pulling me right away and letting me know what was going on."

"Yeah, it was really frustrating honestly," Isa said. "Because Liv is the one, along with Maxwell and Casey, that started these conversations and Liv couldn't even have the balls to say it straight up to you when she got called out on it. It's just a bit two faced, and I will say that to her face. Actually, I probably already have."

The girls talked for a bit longer before heading inside to get ready for the day. Isa threw on a bikini and went out to fill her water and make a tea, when Casey grabbed her. "I kissed Rosie last night, and like, do I need to tell Claudia?"

Isa took a moment to think about it, before telling the boy not to. "I think it may just come across weird if you did."

"Ok yeah, that's what I thought," the boy nodded before carrying on walking across the garden. Isa went on to post up on the day bed, just dozing away until she was joined by Sanam. The two girls chatted for a bit before they were interrupted by Shaq shouting that he had a text. 

"Islanders, it's time for you to get ready to leave the villa as you're off to the beach club to party," he read out to the outburst of the other islanders. The girls were quick to run inside to get ready.

"This makes me wish I was in Ibiza," Isa pouted as she looked at her outfit in the mirror, the other girls cracking up at her.

The islanders wasted no time as they got to the beach club, grabbing cocktails and toasting before having a little dance together. Tom and Isa were glued together, laughing and chatting with their friends. Claudia wandered off a bit, and Isa clued in when she heard the girls voice over the chatter, seeing her sat with Casey and Rosie.

"Uh oh," the brunette murmured as she witnessed the heated exchange. "Ok so maybe I gave the wrong advice."

"Nah, either way there was no winning in that situation," Tom said into her neck. "You did what you thought was best, you know she won't hold that against you."

There was a little gaggle of girls in the corner, but Isa held back from joining until she saw Claudia head over. "You ok babe?" she asked as she sat next to the blonde and pulled her in for a cuddle. "I did want to tell you, he did ask me for advise this morning. And based on our chats the past few days, I didn't think you would want to know. But I am sorry if that's hurt you-"

"No, that's not on you," Claudia rubbed Isabella's arm. "I think I was just caught off guard."

"You were a boss ass bitch up there hun," Jessie hyped Claudia up. "He tried to throw those words back at you and you didn't let him."

"And that was your closure," Liv encouraged, the blonde nodding at all of the girls advice. 

As the night fell, the islanders came back together from their little groups and enjoyed another drink and dance off. They were all having a good time, when they were all shocked and concerned by the entrance of Maya Jama. 

"Sorry to crash the party," she smiled. "Can you all line up in your couples please?"

Isa and Tom stood between Claudia and Keenan, and Jessie and Will. Tom's arms wrapped tightly around Isa's waist, giving her a squeeze as they waited for Maya to drop what was sure to be a big twist. 

"You're probably wondering why I'm here," she started off. "Well, the public have been voting for the most compatible couple. The couples with the fewesr votes being dumped from the island tonight."

Isa felt her stomach sink as Tom squeezed her again. 

"In no order, the 4 couples with the fewest votes and therefore vulnerable are," she paused. "Olivia and Maxwell."

"Claudia and Keenan."

"Rosie and Casey."

"Tanya and Shaq."

Isa sighed heavily, feeling releived she and Tom were safe but also worried for Claudia immensely. 

"The couple with the fewest votes, and dumped from the island is," Maya paused. "Olivia and Maxwell."

"Olivia and Maxwell, please come stand here," Maya gestured for them. "Olivia and Maxwell you're dumped from the island. How are you feeling?"

"I mean, I'm sad to be leaving but I found what I came here for," Olivia smiled. 

"Well Islanders, I have some more news," Maya said. "Olivia and Maxwell aren't the only ones leaving. Two more islanders will be dumped tonight. And that decision, is not down to the public or your fellow islanders. It is actually up to Olivia and Maxwell."

"You must now choose one girl and one boy from the remaining vulnerable couples to dump tonight," Maya explained. "Take a seat and discuss."

The couples all stood in silence for about five minutes before Olivia and Maxwell returned, and Maya asked them to choose. 

"This was really difficult for us," Olivia called out. "We've decided to choose Claudia and Keenan."

Isa's head immediately sank to her chest as she felt her eyes well. Tom's arms came around her chest as he felt her chest stutter, and Maya announced that the two couples were dumped from the island. 

"Please say your goodbyes, and I will see the rest of you soon," Maya said her goodbyes and walked off. Isa didn't even wait till they couldn't hear the host's heels anymore, turning to pull Claudia into her arms with a sniffle. 

"You're gonna be fine babe," Claudia tried to laugh as tears rolled down Isa's cheeks. The brunette pulled back to give Keenan a hug as well before finding her way back to Tom's side, the boy wrapping her in his arms as she watched the other islanders say their goodbyes. With a watery smile she wrapped Claudia in another hug, trying to hold back her tears. 

"I love you," Isa pulled back and kissed both of her cheeks before letting her head over to Keenan. The four of them got a big group hug as a send off, before heading back to pack their bags.

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