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a vip performance

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a vip performance

"Did you hear Tanya leave last night?" Tom asked Isa in a whisper the next morning as the two faced towards each other as the lights turned on.

"Did she? I fell asleep like right away," Isa frowned. 

"Yeah, she was gone for a bit," Tom revealed, peeking above the duvet when he heard the murmurings of the other islanders. He sat up against the headboard, and opened his arm up for Isa who moved her way to lean against his chest.

Isa immediatley hopped out of bed when Lana and Ron came in, leaping to join the blonde in her bed as the islanders started to heckle them. "you have a good night?" she whispered to Lana as she pulled her into a hug. 

"Yeah," Lana blushed as Isa cackled, the two of them getting up to head to the dressing room with Liv and Tanya to debrief on the blonde's evening. The conversation quickly turned to Tanya's feelings on her situation. The other girls slowly trickled in to get ready, and it turned out most of the boys had made breakfast that morning.

"C'mere babe," Tom nodded for Isa as she approached the kitchen and he led her to the couch where her coffee and some toast was waiting. "How are you this morning?"

"Feeling really good," Isa smiled. "Still like ya, don't worry."

"I was really worried," Tom pouted. "I am jealous of Lana and Ron in the hideaway though."

"You'll get your time babe," Isa laughed at him. "You'll get another wifey duty demonstration soon."

Tom and Isabelle migrated to the sun loungers, sitting and chatting with Claudia and Casey when Kai yelled that he had a text. "Kai and Sanam, it's time for your first date. Please get ready to leave the villa."

Everyone celebrated as the girls quickly got Sanam inside for her to get ready. Once the islanders saw them off, Tom led Isabella over to the couch to hang out. 

"What's the most romantic thing a boys ever done for you?" Tom asked the girl.

"Honestly, I don't know if I've ever been like proper romanced,"Isa admitted. "Like I am the type of person I love doing thoughtful things for the people I love and for me I just want that energy returned. And I think sure a boy can buy you things or take you to dinner, but I want there to be like thoughtful intentions. Like take me to a museum I mentioned wanting to try, I don't need physical things, I just want to be like heard and feel like someone is noticing the little things."

"That's how I am," Tom nodded. "Like I want to be able to know you in and out and make you feel special every day and I don't think that comes from material things."

"I could tell when like the second day you knew my coffee order," Isa teased, leaning back into his arms. "I can't wait to like take our connection outside of this villa, I feel like we're going to have so much fun."

As the afternoon carried on, it didn't take long for everyone to hear about Tanya cutting things off with Martin. The girls gathered as soon as Sanam and Kai came back, sitting to hear all about the two's romantic afternoon. All the girls were 'awwing' hearing about how happy the girl was after their time together. Their debrief was interrupted by Will yelling that he had a text. 

"Islanders, it's time to get glam as tonight you will host a special VIP performer!" The group all started yelling as they began to already get hype for their evening. The vibes were high as everyone headed in to get ready after realizing their guest for the night was Jax Jones.

Isabella was in the bathroom doing her eyeliner while Tom literally rook a bubble bath. "You mind if I get naked?" Casey asked, Tom shrugging and looking to Isa with a giggle. 

"Oi, Claud!" Isabella yelled out the door with a laugh. "Our boys are naked in the bath together, we're next!" The girls were all giggling as they walked in and out of the bathroom, seeing the two boys crammed into the tub together. 

As soon as the islanders were in the garden, they were all having the time of their lives. Isabella was full of giggles as she let Tom spin her under his arm before he plastered his front to her back, singing off key into her ear as they swayed together to the beat. Will of course was the life of the party, breaking out some killer moves and carrying Jessie around. 

When Callum Scott came out, the group got even more hype as the two performed a new song. "What a night, a private performance from Jax Jones and Callum Scott?" Isa laughed in disbelief in the beach hut. "Not gonna ever have that again, will we!"

The group was still buzzing from the performance as the group left, and they were all shocked to see Tanya hop up on the raised area. The girl called for everyone's attention, and Isa could feel for the girl but she was internally cringing as she felt the annoyance from Martin when Tanya mentioned her kiss with Shaq the night before.  

As Shaq headed up to give Tanya a hug, Isa moved to the other side of the group where Tom was already waiting with his arms open. "Martin is going to lose his head," Isa predicted, whispering to the boy as the two of them walked off to a couch. 

Her prediction came true later on when Martin took Tanya off to the fire pit and Shaq joined the group of them on the day beds. It didn't take long for the two separate and argue loudly across the garden, ending up over at the day bed where Tanya owned up to not telling Martin about her kiss with Shaq the night before. 

Isabella sat there in silence as the group all put in their two cents, because she couldn't find it in her to sit there and lie about how Tanya's actions had come across. Eventually Claudia pulled Isa up to the terrace, followed by the boys. By the time they got up there, they could see Martin and Shaq having a chat.

"I feel bad for them both honestly," Isa shrugged. "What a shit situation for them."

"I agree, but like I see Tanya's side of it," Claudia said. "Like her heart has alway been with Shaq."

"I've told her this but like, if her heart was always with Shaq, there would have been no temptation with Martin, in my opinion," Isabella relayed. "It's just a sticky situation."

"Yeah, it just goes to show you don't know what you've got till it's gone," Claudia said. "Like you two should know," she nodded to Tom and Casey. 

"Yeah we never brought people back though," Casey defended. 

"you wouldn't be here right now if you did," Claudia sassed, Isa nodding in agreement. The four of them chatted a bit more before taking off to get ready for bed. 

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