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saints versus sinners

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saints versus sinners

After the recoupling, Claudia was still going through it. The blonde was clearly very upset, and the girls were trying to comfort her. "I just wish he had done this in Casa, like at this point I'm in deep," Claudia shook her head. "And I feel for Keenan because he's done nothing wrong."

"I think at this point, all you can do is give Keenan a chance and let Casey figure himself out," Isa advised, wrapping Claudia up in her arms. "You are such a catch, and if Casey's head can turn like that then that just means your better match is waiting for you and you don't need to waste your time on him."

"I hate saying it but I don't think Casey liked Claudia near as much as she liked him," Isa whispered to Tom as the two had a cuddle in the kitchen, eating cheese toasties as they watched the boy chat to Rosie on a couch. 

"We can't really fault him for exploring connections you know," Tom said. 

"Of course not," Isa shook her head. "But I think in the process of trying to be the nice guy, he never made it clear to Claudia that he wasn't closed off to other people and she clearly was. It's just shit."

The two whispered back and forth for a bit longer before it was time to head inside and get ready for bed. Isabella gave Claudia a big cuddle in the dressing room before they headed upstairs to hop in bed for the evening. The blonde had only lasted a short time in the bedroom before she had gone outside to sleep. Isa had scampered after her, but after being assured she was ok, had gone back to her bed and cozied up to Tom.

The moment Claudia entered the bedroom the next morning, Tom was quick top open up the covers, the girl climbing in and Tom and Isabella immediately wrapping her up in a cuddle. They laid there together for a few minutes before the boys headed to the garden and half the girls headed to the terrace while Isa headed to the dressing room with Jessie, Sanam and Rosie so she could put on her sunscreen. 

"It is a shit situation because I would have had to make one of you girls feel the way Claudia is feeling," Rosie commented the next morning. "Like I think the girls are a lot more locked in than the boys."

"Rosie sure does have a lot of observations after two days in here, good god," Isabella laughed In the beach hut. 

"And all of you couples are strong in a sense," the brunette carried on. "But I think Claudia and Casey were the least compatible."

"Why do you say that?" Isabella fished, the brunette carrying right on. 

"I just don't see like, the sexual chemistry between them?" Rosie said. "I feel like he needs to be with someone who brings out his personality a bit more."

"I say this with love, but what personality is she talking about," Isa said under her breath to Jessie as they walked into the garden. "Tom is literally the person who brings out Casey's personality, I'm not even joking."

The aussie and the brunette separated, and Isa found herself sat with Claudia, Sanam and Lana as the northern girl talked through how she was feeling.

"It just feels weird because you're spending all your time together and then like over night, that's not the case," Claudia sighed.

"It does happen like that," Sanam agreed. 

"This morning, we were sitting there, and Rosie said she didn't feel like there was sexual chemistry between the two of you," Isabella shared with her friend. 

"Why is she saying that?" Claudia shook her head. "Do you mind if I bring it up to her?" After Isabella gave her the green light, Claudia went over to speak with the other girl. 

"I don't want to seem like a shit stirrer," Isabella said to Sanam and Lana. "But like, it's just shitty for Rosie to say 'oh I feel bad' and then make comments like that? Like you can think you're a better fit for Casey without trying to tear down the previous connection he had."

The girls chatted for a bit, joined by Claudia once she finished her chat with Rosie. Shortly after, Keenan yelled out that he had a text.

"Islanders, it's time for the ultimate test of good versus evil. Boys will battle it out against girls, but there can only be one winner it today's challenge Saints versus Sinners."

The group got hyped as they ran inside to get into their costumes. The girls were of course dressed as angels, while the boys were the devils. Isa knew as soon as she saw the game would involve hand to eye coordination, she was fucked. 

When it came to Isabella's turn, she was up against Casey who aimed for Tanya and hit her space, giving the girl a smooch. "I'm aiming for Tom but fully prepared to miss," Isa said to her friends with a laugh, turning around. She aimed, took her shot and ended up landing in Claudia's space. 

"Oh come here baby," Isa yelled, skipping over to the laughing blonde, the two sharing a peck before Isabella fell back in line. The group quickly moved on to the second part of the challenge, where they got their anger out with throwing paint sponges at each other. No one came out unscathed, everyone covered in paint as they ran back to the villa. 

As the islanders gathered for the evening, the group of them could feel the tension around the garden still with the Casey, Rosie and Claudia triangle. They all tried to just let the situation unfold, and were happily distracted by Ron and Lana announcing they had become official. 

"I feel like my babies grown up," Isa cried as she wrapped Lana up in a tight hug, the other girls swarming them as well. The boys and girls split up to debrief on how Lana was feeling, and the energy was so lovely as they watched her gush over him and how he asked.

As Tom and Isa laid there that night facing each other with the lights off, Isabella smiled as she felt his knuckled skim her cheek. "What are your thoughts on making things official? Like would you want wait till we leave the villa?" Isa whispered to him.

"I think so," Tom nodded. "I feel like it can be something private between us, you know?"

"I am definitely not waiting till we leave the villa," Tom laughed in the beach hut.

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