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movie night part 1

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movie night part 1

"Did everyone clear the air last night?" Casey asked the next morning as everyone sat up in bed. 

"I think cheers to the winners and the underdogs," Isa raised a fake glass to Olivia and Maxwell across the bedroom, the other brunette sending a cheers back. 

"Listen, Liv and I won't ever be besties, but I'm happy to be friendly, life is too short to get huffed up about things like this," Isa shrugged in the beach hut. 

The islanders tried to embarrass both Kai and Sanam and Isa and Tom about their noisiness the night before. "What can I say, look at these luscious lips," Isa laughed as she poked at Tom's lips. 

The girls had their debrief the next morning in the dressing room, Isa's heart sad as she listened to Jessie talk about her tensions with Will. Liv had tried to have a conversation with Kai the night before that was also a topic of conversation, and Isa could sadly feel the uncomfortable air that surrounded Sanam as Olivia spoke about the situation. 

"I think Kai wants to put it to bed, but it's not the way you want it to be put it to bed," Sanam chimed in. "I know you want an apology and he doesn't plan to give one. I don't really want to be involved anymore than that, I just think it's getting tiring."

As the islanders headed to the garden for the day, Isa watched from her spot under Tom's arm as Jessie pulled Will for a chat. "I feel bad for Jessie," Isa commented as she and Claudia turned to each other. 

"I think she just sees him in a different light now," Claudia commented. "Like even his jokes and things. I think she's thinking about the outside now."

As they kept chatting, Maxwell yelled that he had a text. "Olivia and Maxwell, it's time for your first date. Please get ready to head to the tree house," the islanders cheered as the girls followed Olivia inside to get ready. 

Isa took a day bed nap with Tom sat by her, sleeping till Olivia and Maxwell returned. The girls gathered to chat through her date and get the debrief. Eventually everyone scattered back around the villa, basking in the afternoon sun. The calm atmosphere was broken up by Ron yelling he had a text. 

"Islanders, tonight it's time to get glam, hit the red carpet and grab some popcorn, as tonight Is movie night," the group yelled. 

"Anything to spill?" Isa asked with a smile as she turned over to look at Tom who shrugged. 

"Nah, I'm all good," he smiled, leaning down to give her a kiss. There was definitely tension as the girls got ready, worried about what may come out that evening. Isa herself wasn't super worried, if things had gone different in Casa then maybe but she didn't feel she had much to concern herself over. 

The girls entered the garden first, grabbing drinks and snacks before sitting down. Jessie led the girls in a toast, Ron yelling that he loved all the girls before the movie screen lit up and the first text came through.

"How many erections does the average man get a day?" Olivia's phone went off first. The girls discussed before guessing five, winning that round. 

The tensions went up when the titles popped up on the screen, and from her spot between Jessie and Lana, Isa rubbed both girls legs. They started off with asking to see the Fast and the Curious. Isa cringed as she watched the boys behave, and watched Casey big Will up to explore in casa. 

"Naughty, naughty," Isa tsked as the scene then turned to Casey's little kissing moments. Isa tried to calm Jessie down as she got upset with the boys laughing, reaching over the back of her chair to rub Claudia's back as the blonde went in at Casey about his asking Cynthia to share his bed. 

"Jessie," Isa sighed as the Aussie shouted at Casey, Will trying to gently butt everyone out of It, which had Tanya yelling over at them. "Jesus christ," Isa sighed, already over the evening. 

Finally the clips ended and the next question came through. "How many times does the average Brit have sex in their lifetime?" the girls went back and forth, before locking in their answer of 25,000. The boys took that one home, with an answer of 2,800.

The boys started off choosing 'Catch me if you Tan', which started off strong showing Tanya saying she caught the ick with Shaq. The clip that did Shaq in was the kissing in bed in Casa, the boy calling Tanya out. Isa shook her head as she watched the two go at each other, and Martin was sat smirking and chewing on some popcorn. 

Tanya turned to the girls to try to get some back up and Isa was the only one to speak up. "Tanya just let him wind down, there's no point shouting across the garden about it," she rubbed the girls shoulder. "Sit back and wait to talk it out."

The girl took none of the words to heart, quick to continue the yelling match. 

If this was only two clips in, Isa was not looking forward to the rest of the night.

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