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terrace tom gets called out

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terrace tom gets called out

"What's your type then?" Isabella asked Ron as the two of them sat on the daybeds.

"You," he grinned, shocking her. "Like petite, brunette, tanned."

"So is Lana not your type then?" Isa narrowed her eyes under her sunglasses.

"Not on paper, but she's an unreal girl and she just drew me in," he smiled back, the Brazilian humming in response. Their conversation lasted for a few more minutes before Isabella walked over to the pool where Tanyel and Lana were sitting with their feet in.

"Mind if I sit girls?" the brunette asked, smiling brightly as they both nodded. "How are you both?"

"I think obviously both of our guys are showing a bit of a different side since you've come in to be honest," Tanyel said bluntly. "So for me, I'm feeling a bit rattled for sure."

"Aw babe, I am sorry," Isabella shook her head. "Even with this being Love Island, thats no way anyone should feel with a partner."

"We are strong women though and we will get through it," Tanyel bumped Lana's shoulder.

"How are you feeling though? Starting to see what boys you like?" Lana asked the new girl.

"Yeah, I mean I feel good. It's nice to get to know some of the boys personalities and try to see where the connections are," Isa moved her feet in the water. 

"Do you have some boys in mind as your top runners?" Tanyel fished. 

"Maybe, but I think theres still a lot to learn," she shrugged. "At the end of the day I do want to focus on one boy, I am just not the type of girl to be able to give my energy to multiple boys."

"Yeah, same," Lana agreed. "I've given all of my attention to Ron but I feel like every time a new girl comes in, he's ready to jump ship. He keeps saying it's to test our connection, but I don't know."

"At some point, that line has to drop in my opinion," Isabella said gently. "I don't want to overstep, but as someone who can see how lovely you are, it may be worth posing the question to him, like at what point does this 'test' leave the conversation? Is it if you're exclusive?"

"That's a really good point," Tanyel nodded. "Like at what point is that no longer an excuse."

"You girls are right," Lana nodded. "I think I do need to have another conversation with him for sure."

"You should girl, because he has such a gem, and if he isn't careful, he could lose it," Isabella reached out to squeeze the girls hand. Shortly after, the girls headed inside to get ready for the evening. Isa put on a blue silk dress and her trusty white heels, before heading out to the garden. 

The group all grabbed their champagne glasses before turning to Isabella to lead them in a toast. "Cheers to meeting all of you lovely people, and for such a warm welcome. And heres to a great summer of love," she grinned as the group cheered and took their first sips of the night. 

Isabella found herself sitting with some of the girls when Kai came up, the girl not even focusing on him, assuming he was grabbing Tanyel.

"Isa, do you want to come for a chat?" the brunette nodded wide eyed, getting up and following the boy to the bean bags. 

"How are you?" he asked as they sat down.

"Yeah I'm good thanks, how are you?" she took a sip of her drink as he grinned.

"So you and Tanyel are going strong?" Isabella tried to dig.

"We do get on, but I also can't close myself off you know?"

"Sure," she hummed. "I agree like you do need to get to know people."

"Yeah, and like I think we get on," he nodded.

"Yeah, you're obviously attractive, and the conversations have been nice," Isa kept it vague.

"Honestly, before you came in here, other than Tanyel, there was no one else I wanted to get to know so," Kai shrugged. "You are 100% someone I would pursue on the outside."

"I do feel like Kai is laying it on a bit," Isa said in the beach hut. "He's a lovely boy but, I don't know."

Not long after that conversation, Isabella had made her way to sit with Tanyel and Zara. The three of them were chatting and were interrupted by Will yelling on the terrace that he had a text, announcing that he and Jessie were leaving the villa for a date. After the couple headed out with the rest of the islanders cheering, Isabella was sat and chatting with Tanyel and Lana when they watched Olivia, Zara and Tanya come storming out of the villa, with Olivia immediately grabbing Tom.

"That can't be good," Tanyel commented, the girls watching as Olivia and Tom spoke for a few minutes before the girl stormed off, Tanyel and Lana following her inside. Once Isa saw Ellie head in, she decided to follow. The girl only had the chance to listen and piece together the pieces of the Tom and Ellie and Olivia saga, before everyone dispersed again. 

Isabella ended up on the day beds with Shaq, Ellie and Liv, listening to the three talk about this situation. Tanyel ended up joining them after her own talk with Kai. "Yeah, I am proper annoyed with him, like, we aren't sharing a bed tonight."

"So he pulled you for a chat? What did he say?" Isabella asked.

"It was just about him wanting to get to know you," Tanyel nodded to Isa. "And like, I don't care about that but I just don't like the way he moves."

"That is understandable, I didn't like the way he pulled me right in front of you," Isabella agreed.

"Exactly, and like you think I would take that on the outside?" Tanyel ranted. The tenseness of the night was broken by Jessie and Will returning, the groups splitting to hear about the couple's night. Quickly the debrief turned back to the Ellie and Tom kiss, and ended with Zara confronting Tom, the boy storming off into the villa.

"Good god tonight has been a show hasn't it," Isa shook her head as she sat with Lana. "How was your chat with Ron hun?"

"I mean, he said what I thought he would, that he thinks you're his type and he wants to keep chatting with you," Lana shrugged. 

"Aw babe," Isa slid over to give the blonde a cuddle. "I am sorry, I know that must not be nice to hear."

"He just never makes me feel like I'm the one that he wants," Lana spoke thickly. "And he just thinks I am going to be sticking around waiting for him to decide he wants just me."

"I am so sorry," she shook her head. "You are a stunning girl and you are so lovely, and he and any other boy would be so lucky to have you."

The night ended off with the blow up between Tanyel and Aaron, before the group headed inside to get ready for bed. "What a second night guys," Isabella joked as the girls all sat in the dressing room, some of them joining in with her giggles. 

*when I write these books, when it comes to the other islanders, my characters usually always support or call out the others like I wish had really happened, so there will be a lot of that in this book, which will alter events a bit! just to be warned :)*

for my peeps watching this season and are up to date, give me your thoughts? how we feeling? As a Lana girly, I am a big ole ball of rage hehe

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