Chapter 75: Mom?

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"We'll also be able to handle any threats in our way!", Alex exclaimed with passion, while Ellie added, "And protect each other from harm."

Suddenly, Lucas' mom noticed who she was talking to, looking at Ellie with her face brightening up,

"Oh, you must be the girl Lucas has been telling me so much about! Nice to meet you!"

"He's been telling you...a lot about me?", Ellie asked, half surprised that she was notable enough to be known by name and half flustered. Lucas' face also glowed a bright red, and before another word could escape his mom's mouth, he quickly changed the subject,

"And, I've told you about Seijo before, haven't I?"

"Oh yes!", she said turning to Seijo, "You're the gym leader travelling with these two. I trust you're trying to keep them out of danger."

"I try my best. Nice to meet you."

"Alright, enough with the meet and greet.", Bolt interrupted, "We have a job to do. Gotta wait for everyone to show up."

And, slowly, the other trainers began to pour through the door. Brendan and May showed up first, greeting Ellie warmly, so glad to see her again after so much time away from each other. Then, came Eryl and Alburz, both talking and chatting, then greeting Seijo, glad to see all of them together after so long. Somehow, they had become involved with this whole thing. As soon as Brendan and May mentioned it to Eryl, she instantly joined in with Alburz being contacted shortly after, and both were eager to deliver a little more revenge for Meteor Falls. And, Eryl wanted to try to get some more information about what they were using the meteorite for. Although she was closer to discovering what it specifically was, she wasn't quite there yet. But, she'd be there soon. She had plenty of time, after all. The other three gym leaders also began to show up. First Flannery, then Roxanne, then finally a gym leader neither Ellie nor Lucas had seen before, Brawly.

"Is that everyone?", Roxanne asked as Brawly stepped into the room with a bright smile on his face, looking at Bolt who gave her a thumbs up. She stood up from the desk and chair, going to the front of the group where Hugo and Jerry were making the final touches on the diagram of the hideout. They stood aside, allowing Bolt to take centre stage.

"Alright, I want everyone's full attention, please! This extremely important operation could potentially help protect Hoenn from a national threat that only seems to grow stronger by the day, so everyone needs to pay attention. No doubt, many of you have heard about Team Storm, the recent new criminal organisation that seems to be made up of former Team Aqua and Magma members, unified in another common goal. We've recently discovered the location of one of their hideouts, which could be used to build up some sort of secret weapon or even worse. But, we definitely know that there are stolen Pokemon there that we can reclaim and give back to their trainers. So, we must execute this operation correctly."

"There will be two teams. The Light Brigade and the Heavy Brigade. The Light Brigade, consisting of Lucas, Ellie and Alex, will focus on freeing the captured Pokemon in the facility. They will move around through the vents that run across the facility, avoiding combat as much as possible while scouting out for the room where the Pokemon will be held. The rest of us are in the Heavy Brigade. Our objective is to cover for the Light Brigade by bulldozing through with our collective strength while capturing and arresting as many grunts and admins as possible. So, pick your strongest and most offensive teams cause we need to do some damage here. Any questions?"

A silence followed shortly thereafter. Bolt smiled, pleased at her message being received better than she thought it would've.

"Alright then. Meet up here tomorrow and we will set off for Petalburg as soon as everyone is available. You are all dismissed. Except for the Light Brigade. I need to talk to you for just a moment longer."

Weathering The Storm... (A Pokemon OC Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora