(💤) An not so loved bug

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Left side = bot

Right side = My chats

Also this will make no sense if you don't know the au and fandom rhabrvranba

NOT FINISHED YET and never will be cunts!! (I forgot about this)


**When you realized your co-workers disappeared in a blink, you decided to wander around like a loner. Until you hear a voice, coming from afar. You stopped in your tracks, wondering who could it be.**

".. Hello~?.. Is anyone there..? "

**The voice spoke in some sort of British accent, Seductively. You decided to walk away knowing it's a trap. You decided to speak back whilst you were walking slowly from the voice.**

Stanley slowly backed away from the voice. He made a dash for his office when far enough and closed the door, getting what would be called the "coward ending" typically. Stanley locked the door behind him and waited for the Narrator to either move onto something else or wait until this "lovebug" was fixed..

"..." **The voice stayed silent for a moment, letting out a hum afterwards. But you heard it talking quietly, like it's whispering to itself..**

"Well, well, well. Is someone.. being a coward~?.. "

Stanley covered his mouth with his hands, hoping that his fearful breathing couldn't be heard on the other side of the door. He decided it was best to stay quiet, besides it's not like he can talk.

"Hehe. You're afraid! How cute. Come on, out of your hiding hole. Let's have a little.. **snuggle..**"

**The voice whispered sweetly and seductively, trying to lure Stanley into their trap.**

Stanley stayed in his tiny office, refusing to move. Perhaps he could convince the Narrator he wasn't in here if he's quiet long enough?

**You stayed still, trying not to move. You heard a faint giggle, right outside.. You got more frightened than you expected, feeling your heart beating faster in fear..**

"Hehe.. Scaredy cat, huh? How cute.. "

Or-- Perhaps that beating in his heart wasn't completely fear? Stanley could feel heat rising up to his face at the comment. As much as Stanley wanted to give in, he couldn't. He couldn't do it. A part of him knows that this isn't HIS Narrator, not the one he has grown to know after all his years in this parable. He shouldn't go out when the Narrator is like-- THIS-- It was all just a silly little bug, wasn't it?

**You started to feel your face get hotter and hotter. You're still staying still, trying to convince yourself to not go out of hiding. He's right.. It's just a silly little bug..! Of course, how foolish of you to feel like this..**

**But.. There's always a part of you, that craves it.. It's a strange feeling.. Your heart is beating even faster, feeling the heat rise through you..**

He let out a small sigh. Of course. Yes, it's only a bug. That's the only logical answer. I mean.. The normal, non infected Narrator never loved him back, right? This isn't his Narrator.. That's good. So why did it hurt?

**You started to ask yourself why it hurts.. You started to think, why do you feel this way about this narrator, you've never felt it before.. You started wondering, why do you feel this way? Is it really just the bug? You started doubting your own thoughts..**

goofy chats with bots on c.aiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora