live pt 3🦦-Georg

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This is a part 3 of live.

Today Evan is turning 1. Y/n and Georg made a birthday party with the band for Evan. Y/n was making breakfast while Georg was waiting for his baby bot to wake up.
Georg: hey little man
Evan: da--mm
Georg: awwww so close baby can u say mommy?
Evan: ma--aaa
Georg: awwww u can do it baby
Y/n: hey babyy hiii Evan happy birthday my baby
Georg: hi love
Y/n: did he talk alr?
Georg: no but really close
Y/n: can u say mama?
Evan: ma-mmmm
Y/n: so close baby say ma
Evan: ma
Y/n: ma
Evan: ma
Y/n: mama
Georg: no say dada
Evan: ma--da
Y/n; say mama
Evan: ma-----ma
Y/n: so close baby u can do it
Evan: mama
Y/n: YESSS my baby said his first word omg hes so grown up
Georg: love hes only 1 now say dada
Evan: daaa
Georg: say da
Evan: da
Georg: da
Evan: da
Georg: dada
Evan: dada
Y/n: awwww hes growing up
Y/n got tears in her eyes not expecting Evan to grow this fast but u were happy to have a wonderfull baby boy. Y/n picked up Evan kissed his head and went to the kitched to feed him. After breakfast Thw band xame over to give him presents.
Bill: Hey Evan happy birthday little dude.
Tom: Happy birthdayy
Gustav: Happy birthday
Tom picked up evan gave him a kiss on the forehead and sat him on his hip.
Evan: dada
Evan said pointing to Tom
Tom: im not ur dad he is
Evan: dada
Tom: yes thats ur dada and thats ur mama
Evan: MAMA
Y/n: yes baby
Bill: awwwwww
Everybody sat in the living room with Evan on Y/n lap feeding him his cake. And after a while everybody gave Evan his birthday presents and continued talking while he danced holding the toy Gustav and Tom gave him while wearing Bills and Georgs birthday presents

Evan was holding both toys and Bills bear costume and Georgs light brown bunny shoes. He was dancing to the sobgs that were in the background while u watched and filmed it all. After a while he ran to u and put the pacifier in his mouth and sat on ur lap and fell asleep. And after a while the guys left while u were walking around with Evan in ur arms so he doesnt wake up. Georg came up to u kissed ur head and helped u put Evan in his bed. U guys went to sleep. And this night was very peaceful bcs Evan slept all night without waking up

Author: thank you for suggesting part 3 LYRIC1781

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