🍽cooking pt 2🍽 Gustav

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Heres pt 2 of cooking.

Gustav is live again with the band. And hes cooking again....

Y/n went to Gustav bcs she heard Bills voice and went to talk to them but saw him cursing bcs something was wrong AGAIN.
Bill; hey Y/n
Georg: hey Y/n how are u?
Y/n: im okay hbu?
Georg: im good
Y/n: awwww we have our little baby here too
Bill: who?
Y/n: Tommy
Georg and Bill were dying of laughinf while Tom kept on putting filters while ofc Gustav was yelling
Gustav: FUCK i cant find the fucking salt
Y/n: arw u blind?
Gustav: no im not fucking blind the fucking salt just dissapeared
Y/n: its right there
Gustav: WHERE?
Y/n: u fuck
Gustav: thank u FINALLY
Y/n: ur welcome
Bill: jows the baby?
Y/n: amazing thank u uncle Bill
Georg: is Y/n married? no shes not
Y/n: cant find a husband
Gustav: what?
Y/n: they asked if im married but i cant find a husband
Gustav: ure having my baby
Y/n: omg ive been here for an h Tommy
Tom: sorry how are u?
Y/n: gooooood
Gustav: where is the fucking salad
Y/n: omg babe its there
Gustav: thank u honey
Gustav gave u a kiss and a kiss to his baby
U guys sat in the live for another 20mins but then left cuz the food was ready and u had to eat.

Author; im sorry its short but i dont have any ideas to put but thanks to LYRIC1781 for suggestioning part 2

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