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Y/n is a 34 year old girl who is dating Georg Listing. She is also pregnant with his child and today was a really fun day.


Y/n was making tea for her and Georg while he was on tiktok live with Tom and Bill, Gustav wasnt there yet bcs he went out.
Tom: so hows y/n?
Georg: shes okay
Bill: where is she i wanna say hii
Georg: shes making tea wait
Georg got up to help u and went back to his live while u joined him
Bill: Heyyy y/n
Y/n: hey billy
Tom: heyy y/n
Y/n: hey tommy
Tom: so hows the baby?
Y/n: hes good hes rly healthy
Georg: but his kicks are rly strong
Billy: that means he will be like his dad hahahhaha
Tom: he will
Georg: awwwe
Bill: someone asked if they could see the bump omg yes i wanna see it too
Tom: wait theres alr a bump? ( the whole live he has a filter on ofc ;) )
Georg: Tom shes abt to have the baby in 2 months
Y/n: wait its kinda hard to get up but here
Y/n got up while Georg helpes her lift the shirt so they could see the bump when baby boy decided to kick and everyone saw
Bill: woow did u see that hes rly strong
Tom: yeah did it hurt?
Y/n: no it just feels weird thats all
Georg: exept last night when u were crying
Tom: wait what happend?
Georg: the baby kicked really hard and it hurted and she started crying
Y/n: it was a really strong kick
Bill: awwww well atleast ur okay and he will be here in 2 months
Y/n: yesssss
Bill: Gustavs alivee hahahhaah
Tom: Gustav were u cooking again?
Gustav: what gave it away?
Tom: the smoke
Bill: or did u smoke?
Gustav: no i was cooking
Bill: someone said is no one else noticing Georgs hand on y/n bump or is it just me? yes i see it thats so cute
Y/n: he always does it when im next to him udk why
Georg: i just feel like i protect the child
Gustav: wait when is the baby coming?
Y/n: in 2 months
Gustav: ooo thats soon u ready?
Y/n: nooo
Everyone laughes and after a ehile y/n leaves bcs she has to see her doc for the baby and when she comes back an h later Georg is still live
Georg: hey honey ur back
Bill: y/n backkk
Tom: she left? When?
Gustav: Tom u need coffee
Tom: i alr had like 2 coffees
Gustav: then u need water hahahaha
Y/n: hellooo
Bill: heyy y/n how was the doc
Y/n: well she gave me news bur idk if there good or bad
Gustav: ur having twins?
Y/n: no but she told me bcs the baby is really active he can come earlier than expected
Georg: meaning he can come earlier than 2 months?
Y/n: yes im scared
Georg: baby its okay we dont knoe when hes coming we just have to be prepared
Y/n: what if he comes tomorroe im scared
Bill: u can do it n/n
Tom: u can do it i know it
Gustav: enjoy that ur still pregnant
Y/n: im fucking scared
Y/n started crying bcs of her hormones and Georg hugged her ehile Bill and Tom; Gustav were making jokes to make Y/n feel better but while they were making jokes Y/n fell asleep on Georgs lap whole everyone adored them


Tokio Hotel imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora