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Writer's Pov:

After the meeting, Han Seok had to take care of more work the entire day. He wasn't able to confront his boyfriend about the fuss in the meeting room yet.

By the time Han Seok finished his work, it was 12:07 A.m and the chairman had left the office hours ago without telling the CEO.

This annoyed Han Seok abit because he hadn't been able to confront the boy yet.

As the CEO was getting seated in his car he pulled out his phone and dialed Han Seo's number.

"Hello?" "Where are you, Han Seo?" The CEO questioned with a serious tone. "At your home, why sir?"



The CEO didn't even bother to reply and immediately hit the ignition and backed out the parking lot.

After an intense ride back home, he finally pulled into the garage as a few bodyguards kept the door open for him.

The CEO exited his car with the things he needed and went towards to front door, unlocking it with his keys.

He walked around the house and found his boyfriend in his living room, in just a robe..? It was such a turn on for Han Seok.

The chairman noticed the CEO's presence and smiles softly before standing up and greeting him.

"Welcome back, Han Seok. How about you freshen up first and I'll go make tea for you?" The smaller boy said politely.

The CEO didn't dare decline the offer because he really need the tea to cure the pounding headache he was going through and nodded before walking into his room to get changed.

After the relaxing shower, Han Seok got changed into black sweat pants and a while t-shirt that was sticking to his wet body.

He walked out the room and back into the livingroom getting seated in the sofa and as he did so, the boy in the robe showed up with a cup of tea in his hands and had set it down in front of the CEO.

"Here is the tea." before the boy could move away the CEO grabbed his wrist and pulled the small boy into his lap.

"What was the stunt that you pulled off in the office, Han Seo?" The taller questioned him and the small boy turned around in the CEO's lap to face him and cupped his cheeks.

"Are you upset about it..? I'm sorry, but the bitch was really annoying.." Han Seo said innocently.

"Are you talking about Ms Choi?” the CEO caressed his boyfriend's hands that were on his face gently while a slight smile on his face.

" Yes-  It's obvious she likes you.." The small boy pouted adorably and the CEO chuckled deeply.

"It doesn't matter, Han Seo. I don't like her back, okay? And I'm not mad. I just thought that I did something wrong to my boy"  The CEO explained himself as he lifted the chairman'e chin gently to look at him.

"No no no, you did nothing sir. I just wanted to show the bitch your mine" The chairman admitted.

"Oh and you succeeded didn't you? Don't you think you should've told me first?"
The CEO asked with a smirk.

"I don't think so.." The small boy challenged his boyfriend with a cheeky smile spread across his face.

Han Seok accepted the challenge happily and had pinned his small boyfriend down on the sofa.

"You've been a naughty boy today, pup.. Shouldn't you be punished?" Han Seok's hand trailed its way toward the chairman's hair and tangled itself in there.

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