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Han Seok's Pov:

I wanted to lay him on the table and fuck him senseless.. But it's not the right time, I gathered all the self control I had in myself and pulled my hands away from his body..

I swear I heard a whine escape his mouth-

I cleared my throat, it's better if we leave now before I can't control myself..

I closed the laptop and patted his shoulder, "I'm done, let's go.." He nodded and quickly got up from my leg as I stood up after him.

"Where would you like to go eat little brother?" I kept my voice stern not wanting to spill my emotions as I grabbed my phone and wallet slipping it into my pants.

"Nothing specific.. Anything will work sir." I barely caught what he said because it was so low.

I nodded in response and grabbed my car keys, "well let's go then."

Writer's Pov:

The two got into the car, the CEO in the driving seat while the chairman in the passenger seat, they drove out of the company towards a restaurant to eat at, nothing too special.

The CEO parked the car outside the restaurant as both of them slowly got out the car and went into the restaurant taking a seat.

"What would you prefer to eat?" The older questions while scanning through the menu but before Han Seo could reply they heard a familiar voice calling out their names..

"Junwoo? Chairman Jang?" A female voice.. Both the boys turned to look at the source to see who it was.

"Han Seo, nice to see you again" Vincenzo and Cha-young the lawyer..

"Yah! Junwoo you know the chairman of Babel?! Why didn't you tell me!" She walked over to "junwoo" And smacked his head.

Han Seok change his personality instantly. From a deep dark voice to playful and childish, Han Seo never seen him like this..

"Oww Cha-youngg- I don't know him personally! We just happen to ran into eachother and decided to get food together." Han Seok came up with the convincing excuse so the female nodded and took a seat beside him.

Han Seo's pov:

I felt as if something inside me was breaking.. My heart was in pain looking at then lawyer and Han Seok talk so frankly.

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder so I turned to look at them, "Hey you okay..?" Vincenzo had taken a seat beside me. "Oh hi Vincenzo, my apologies I was distracted" I gave him a convincing smile. He nodded slowly,

"I had a question Han Seo.. The last time when we met at the bar. Someone dragged you away, do you know who it was?" I was intrigued by his question and shook my head as a no, I really wanted to know who it was since they.. Fucked me.

"I mean they seemed like they knew you. I wasn't able to look at them since they had a mask on along with their ho-" Before Vincenzo was able to finish his description I heard a loud thud which me jump..

"We can chit-chat later. Let's order now shall we? I'm starvingggg" Han Seok said playfully. Both me and Vincenzo scanned through the menu, "what would you like to eat Han Seo?" he questioned me.

His care for me made me smile the slightest as I answered the question.

After ordering our food, Vincenzo begin to talk to me about how stressful his work is but the whole time I felt if as someone's eyes we on us..

I looked at the opposite side of the table and noticed Han Seok's eyes on me.. Did I do something wrong? Is he upset..?

Before I could continue my thoughts I felt a hand on my chin. "Hey- what happened here.." He pointed at my forehead as he took a closer look.. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as he leaned a bit closer.

"O-oh that- don't worry, I just tripped and hit my head on the corner of the bed" I gave him a nervous smile and he begun to chuckle.

"Hey- don't laugh at me-" I folded my arms leaning back in my chair with a small pout, "Alright alright, just be careful next time." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.. I felt warm from inside as I returned his smile.

Han Seok's Pov:

Just who the fuck does this Vincenzo think he's doing with MY pup. How dare he touch him like that and make fun of him.

What is wrong with you Han Seo, why didn't you pull away from his touch? Does he like him..?

I don't want to believe that- he likes me not him. Or did his feelings change for me- I wanted to kiss him in front of everyone to claim him, just so they'd fuck off.. I feel so useless right now, ugh-

"Junwoo, you okay? You seem distracted" A feminine voice snapped me out my thoughts.. I looked at the other two boys, I saw concern in Han Seo's eyes..

Maybe he still does like me.. I smiled at Cha-young, "don't worry, I'm all good."


Our food had arrived with the alcohol we had ordered, I saw Vincenzo pour some into Han Seo's glass. I sighed as I filled my mouth with food, this was suppose to a night for me and Han Seo-

afterall I did bring him here just to make it up to him. But these two just had to ruin it..

I felt my bloodboil as Vincenzo fed my pup a bite of his food to let him taste it. I couldn't control myself any further I placed my hand on Han Seo's thigh from underneath the table and gave it a tight squeeze as I continued to eat my food..

Han Seo's Pov:

I was chewing on my food as doing so I felt a tight grip on my thigh which made me jump slightly, thankfully no one noticed..

I looked under the table to see who's hand it was.. Han Seok..? What is he trying to do..? Wait- is he jealous? Is he upset- please I don't want him to hurt me again-

I stayed quiet not wanting him to get mad at me and continued to eat my food.. I felt his hand travel up my thigh as he pinched it roughly making me yelp in surprise.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his actions.. Does he like me..? He made me sit in his lap at the office, hugged me, took care of the cut he gave me, took me here, now he's touching me..

I know I should pull away from the hand but instead I sat on the edge of my chair giving him more access to my leg while trying my best to control my blush..

I glanced at him to look at his reaction, he seemed a lil surprised but satisfied. As his hand travelled towards my crotch-

I closed my legs slightly out of embarrassment but he forced them open again and placed his hand on top my crotch and pressing down a bit..

I bit the inside of cheek to not let out a noise but hummed quietly in pleasure.. Thankgod no one was paying attention- just eating quietly..

Han Seok begin to palm my crotch roughly through my pants as I tried my best to hold in my gasps and pants..

Fuck he's turning me on..

Tysm for so many reads and votes guys!
I really wasn't expecting this much love, I'm really thankful. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

I'm trying my best to fast update for y'all, bare with me

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