Chapter 5

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Sorry to be late again. I've just been super busy with high school, and have my exams goin' on due to which i am unable to post properly every Tuesday. Although, I'll try to post on time. Thanks for reading!


Christian & Isabelle

"I don't know!" Ronan screamed while I pushed the knife into his finger, a rusted one, to prolong the pain

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"I don't know!" Ronan screamed while I pushed the knife into his finger, a rusted one, to prolong the pain.

"Don't lie to me," I said I pushed it through a little more and he screamed, "Where the fuck is that bastard Giovanni?"

"I really don't-" he couldn't complete that as I made him scream by cutting his finger off completely. I went for his next finger but before I could start pushing the knife into it he finally admitted with unstable breaths, "Okay! okay! I'll tell you. I'll tell you where Giovanni is, but please, spare me." I nodded.

"He is at his safe house right now. It's a few miles outside Las Vegas. It looks like a peasant's home though, as his safe house is built underground." He said, still with unstable breaths.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" I said as I left the room and shut the door, leaving Ronan at the brink of dying due to all the blood loss and severe torture I gave him.

"Kill him," I said to the guards that stood outside the room and walked away.


I got out of my car, which stood in front of the hotel, where my penthouse was in Las Vegas. All to catch that motherfucking dick, and hell it was an awfully long trip. I walked right up to the elevator, stepping inside as soon as it opened its doors. The elevator opened its shutters and I walked to the door right in front of it. As I entered the penthouse, 2 of my men and Jason followed me inside as the staff greeted me, whilst I kept a stern face.

I said nothing and headed straight to my room. I took off my blazer, threw it on the couch, sat on the bed, took off my shoes, and put my feet on the bed as well, resting my head on the headboard. I shut my eyes, the stupid jet-lag was messing with my head and fuck, I was exhausted.

"Signore," Jason said as I groaned, annoyingly (Sir). He just had to come now and annoy me. I glared at him before replying.

"Che cosa?" (What?).

"Shall I send a team to look for Giovanni?"

"SÌ. E se osi disturbarmi ancora, non esiterò a spararti. I won't kill you, but I'll make it painful." (Yes. And if you dare bother me again, I won't hesitate to shoot you.)

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