Chapter 4

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Christian & Isabelle

Dan and I got back to base and went right down to the basement

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Dan and I got back to base and went right down to the basement. Dani stood on the other side of the glass in the observation room, whilst I stood inside the torture room. I ran my left palm over the numerous things I used to torture trying to choose one. I had the two men tied to the chairs they were sitting on, unconscious. "How 'bout..." I picked up a knife and continued, "I remove their eyeballs." I said looking over at Danielle. "Don't, we aren't trying to kill them." She said sternly and I rolled my eyes. "Yet," She continued and a smirk formed on my face. 

"Well we have to torture them somehow so that they'd speak up, so what do you suggest?"

"Electric shocks, maybe?"

"Fine. Ma meglio renderlo doloroso." (But better make it painful). I put the knife back in place as Dani sent two men inside to set up the machine for electric shocks. 

One of the two who were unconscious, started to open his eyes and I smirked. "Finally, I was starting to get bored and annoyed seeing you two sleep in peace like that," I said.

"Where the fuck are we?"

"You don't get to ask the questions. Now, first question, your name?"

"I'm not answerable to you asshole." He spat, fuming with anger.

I scoffed, "What makes you think that?" I looked at Dan, and she turned on the machine and the man held his scream. "I thought I told you to make it painful Danielle." She nodded turning up the power and he let out his scream. I felt satisfaction rush through my bloodstream. "Damon," He screamed. I lift up my hand indicating Dani to turn it down. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it." He panted. "Next, do you work for Giovanni?" He nodded. "I prefer words."

"Yes," he said, still will a fastened breath.

He opened his mouth to say something more but my gaze had diverted to the man sitting next to Damon. He was waking up too as I asked Damon what his name was.

"Micheal," Damon replied and I simply hummed. 

"Hi, Micheal," I said with a smirk. "Allow me to explain to you the rules. One: You don't get to ask any questions and Two: Answer all of mine, or else, you see the wires around you, those will be your consequences." I said as Damon gulped.

" I said as Damon gulped

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