"Hurry up guys! Ace is trying to eat the waffles!" He whined.

"Haha, I already did Matty!" I heard Ace yell from afar.

"Nooo! I promise I'm going to kill you and make it look like an accident!" Matt yelled while running back to the kitchen.

I chuckled and looked at Asher.

"We'll talk later, I gotta shower." I smiled at him.

I went upstairs and showered I changed into a white collared top and jeans.

I came down to see Vincent making more waffles.

Matt had grabbed them hot from the plate and stuffed the entire thing into his mouth.

Eventually, we all sat down and ate together.

"Are you nervous Taliah?" Vincent asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes. Who wouldn't be?" I started to pick at my eggs.

"I get it. But you should prepare. Three uncles, two aunts, 5 cousins, one Grandma, and one Grandpa. First is Uncle Angelo, the oldest of the three age 42, the second is Uncle Giovanni second oldest 40, and last is Uncle Alessio youngest at 30. Aunt Maria age 40 and Aunt Elena age 41. Aunt Maria is married to Uncle Angelo and Aunt Elena is married to Uncle Gio. Both aunts married into the family." Ace explained.

My eyes went wide. "That's a lot of people," I whispered.

"Oh, we're not done yet. Uncle Angelo and Aunt Maria have two sons, Dante and Enzo Ages 23 and 24. Uncle Gio and Aunt Elena have two sons also, Stefani and Marco ages 18 there identical twins. And Uncle Alessio has a son named Carlos he's 12." Matteo explained.

"Don't forget Grandma and Grandpa! We don't know their age but Grandma says when you've had 4 kids age is just another thing to forget about." Ace smiles.

My brows fur in confusion.

Didn't they only name three boys? And our aunts married into the family? Where did four come from?

"What do you mean she had four kids? You any named three." I asked curiously.

"Oh my bad four just slipped out I meant three." Vincent smiled.

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rang. It's only 11:30 they're early!

They're going to hate me I already know it.

They're going to wish I wasn't in the family and hope I die.

My breathing started to pick up, I was hyperventilating I could barely breathe.

My ears felt like water was in them my chest felt restricted.

"Breathe Taliah, just breathe it's okay." A voice said.

Matteo? Ace?

Once my eyes weren't blurry anymore I looked over to see it was Asher.

He smiled at me and kissed my head.

He indicated me to come over by the formal living room and that's when my heart stopped beating.

12 new people. 12 pairs of eyes. 12 people to make me feel like garbage if they don't like me.

Everyone was quiet, yes even Matteo. I was shocked too.

There was one person who caught my eye she was older a lot older than the other women here.

She was so beautiful. She had long grey hair that was curled to perfection. She had on a black and white pantsuit with white heels.

She was so pretty.

"Hi," I whispered.

The lady stood up and walked towards me.

"Can I hug you? Please?." She asked. Even her voice was nice.

I cautiously nodded and she immediately wrapped me up in a hug.

I melted into her arms quickly. Her hugs felt like moms did.

She let go of the hug and put her hand on my face cheek.

She looked at me in adoration.

"Such beautiful eyes, just like your mother." She said.

My eyes welded up but I quickly pushed the tears back down.

Not here, not now in front of everyone.

"Thank you," I responded.

I looked at everyone else faces some held love some adoration some emotionless.

I think he's my grandpa Roman looks just like him.

Sooner or later my aunts started talking to me.

Eventually talking about boys and school.

My uncles introduced themselves at first they looked scary some with tattoos others with scars on their arms.

Nothing is specifically wrong with scars, not on them at least. Mine make me look hideous.

Anyway, they looked scary but they were sweethearts.

My cousins were all boys, yay me! We're pretty cool too.

They were all very cordial even if you could tell one of them couldn't bother to make conversation with me.

The twins were cool but all they could talk about was 'hot girls' and video games.

And the 'hot girls' who play video games.

Men are such a weird species.

My Grandpa pulled me aside to say hello.

And guess what? He smiled! Can you believe it?!

He asked for permission to hug me and kissed the top of my head telling me how good it was to see me.

He also said and I quote "I can't show my soft side all the time. I don't want to end up like the rest of those knuckleheads."

He's a corny joker.

We had Seafood Alfredo for an absolutely delicious dinner.

I should tell Vincent to make it more often.

At the end of the day, I was content.

And happy.

My family loved me. They didn't tell me directly but it showed through their actions.

How I was hugged with so much emotion words couldn't even explain.

I haven't felt like this in years but now I am and it's the best feeling in the world.

I went to sleep that night with only one thing on my mind.

My life isn't so bad.

Little did I know my life was just beginning.

And not for the better.

This chapter was.....not so good. I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter. I didn't go into to much detail about Taliah's family they won't be very important in the future. QOTD: what's your time zone? Me? Mine is PST so it's almost 11pm. Don't forget to VCF!

Long Lost FamilyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin