25|| Operation Mole Rat

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Thank you all for almost 40k reads!! It means so much💕

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Today I felt confident.

I felt like today was going to be a good day. No not just because I got great sleep last night.

But because I will get answers today. Hopefully.

Anywho my brothers and I were on our way to school. Driving in silence as usual.

Even though nobody talked I could tell all three of them were tense. Maybe they didn't get good sleep.

I don't know. I won't stress about it though. Today I have a mission.

I almost felt like Kim Possible. Except I don't have a cool pager or a naked mole rat sidekick. But hey, I can still be a good agent.

Once we arrived at school I hopped out of the car and went straight to the first period.

Harlow, Hunter, Gaby, and Jacob are all gone.

Gaby said she would be moving and Jacob would be transferring schools.

You may be wondering "wow when did that happen?" Or "I wasn't informed!" Yeah sista, we're in the same boat.

Both Gabby and Jacob sprung it on us in the same week.

Hunter and Harlow are sick with a cold. They are twins I didn't expect both of them to be sick at the same time.

Anywho back to the mission. I should name it, 101 get answers? Nah to elementary.

How about Operation mole rat? Yeah! I like it.

Operation mole rat is on the go. Well not really I'll start the mission at lunch but that's beside the point.

Dot dot dot

After the fourth period, it was lunchtime. I searched for about ten minutes until I found River.

As soon as I saw his face I got nervous. He's intimidating and hot. Who wouldn't be nervous?

He was sitting in the school garden while on his phone. By the looks of it, he was upset. He was rapidly tapping on his phone while his face was in a scowl.

I was behind a tree scared to come from behind it. I soaked up his appearance he was wearing black jeans and a white shirt with a black leather jacket.

Maybe I should postpone this mission. Yeah, I'll just live the rest of my life cluelessly.

"You can come out now!" River yelled. I cringed because I was most definitely caught. I let out a small huff and came from behind the tree.

"Hi" I greeted him quietly. "Hi" he deep voice responded.

He stood up and walked toward me while I took steps back.

He was a few feet ahead just as my back hit the tree I was hiding behind not long ago.

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