9|| Control

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I wake up with a headache, I take some Tylenol and hop in the shower

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I wake up with a headache, I take some Tylenol and hop in the shower.

After I'm dressed I walk downstairs stairs for breakfast, "your so stupid Ace." Matt said.

"Shut up Matt nobody asked for your opinion." I mumbled. I'm not a morning person.

"You've been mean to our sister, Ace. Aren't you happy she's back." Matt said. "No I'm not happy she's back. I hate her." I said

"No you don't your afraid to let people in! Ever since mom left and dad trained you, your like an emotionless robot!" Matt said.

"I'm trying so hard not to punch you across the face Matt." I said "do it then the only thing you show towards people is anger Ace. Be happy she's back" he said.

"She doesn't belong here!" I yelled. Vincent came from around the corner fuming.

"Yea she does she's our baby sister!" He yelled.

"Honestly I wish it were her that died not Vanessa!" I yelled.

I grabbed an apple and stomped towards my safe place.

My art room.

I hate to admit it but Matt was right. I don't show emotion and I'm fine with that. Well I do show emotion I pair or draw it.

It's my escape from reality.

I grab my brushes and a big canvas and start creating my masterpiece.

After a few hours of painting I'm finally done, I painted a forest with a water stream.

The forest has colors of blue, green, brown.

I usually paint trees, animals, I always feel like the forest never ends. Like you alone, forever.

But what ever happened happened and we can't change the past.

It was peaceful until Matt barged in all out of breath.
"Dude! Taliah is gone!" Matt said

Of course my heart sped up beacuse of allies but I didn't show my nervousness. "I don't care." I said.

"Would you man up and come on I don't have time for this." He said as he ran away.

I rolled my eyes and went to Romano's office all my brothers were there except Asher.

Vincent noticed my confusion and said he was already on the computers.

After a few minutes we found Taliah location she was coming back home.

We all stand at the door waiting for her to walk in.

Once she walks in her eyes are wide, "where have you been!" Vincent yells. After Vincent yelled I noticed she looked scared.

I probably would be scared too if I were a 15 year old girl with five guys in front of me over 6 feet.

"I-I umm... I ran away?" She questioned.

"Why?! Where here for a reason Taliah." Matt said. I could see her blink back tears which made my heart ache 0.01 percent.

"Well I heard you guys this morning...." she mubumbled. "And I don't know I went to clear my head." She continued.

"What was the rule I told you Taliah? Always ask me or another brother to leave the house." Romano said.

She darted her eyes at all of us looking terrified. "I'm sorry." She said as she broke down.

Matt was the first to give in. He comforted her and she clang to him like a koala.

I wish that were me holding her. Wait- no, no I don't I'm fine just the way I am.

After a few shouts to was dinner time, with all the mafia work and what not we try to have 1 family meal once a day.

Taliah came down stairs and sat next to Matt. I was upset she sat by him out of all people.

"Look at her, I wish she would have stayed with that stepfather of hers. I whispered.

I could she her eyes fill with tears until she stood up abruptly, "Shut up! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of living! I can't be like this!" She yelled.

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes including me. She can over to me and slapped me.

Pretty hard for a little girl might I add.

I stood up and pushed her.

She hit her head and slowly started to go unconscious. I can't believe I just did that. I pushed her.

Romano came near me and punched me in the jaw. My jaw was throbbing as I was still processing what had just happened.

Romano had punched me again in the gut, by this time Matt took Taliah upstairs and Vincent was holding Romano back.

I felt terrible, I hurt my baby sister. j shook my head and started walking to our in house gym.

I didn't even care to wrap my hands, I deserved the pain.

"No no no Ace don't do that."

I saw Asher looking at me with worry in his eyes. Remover when I said he doesn't talk? He only talks to me. And maybe two sentences every few months to the others.

I stopped punching the bag and Asher took my hands examining them. "Come." He said.

He took me to his room and wrapped my hands up. "I pushed her Ash." I whispered.

"I know Ace but you have to control your anger and by the looks of it Taliah has to control it too. You need to learn to love again Ace. You need to open up without breaking these walls down they'll keep getting stronger. I love you Ace your literally my other half but I can't be the brother to someone who continues to hurt family." He said.

He patted my head and left me in his room.

I shook my head not wanting Ash's words get to me. I found Matt and asked him how Taliah was.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He said. "Well yes, that's why I asked." I said. Matt let out a big breath and looked at me dead in my eyes.

"She's fine Ace. Maybe keep your hands to yourself." He said. "I know but she slapped me first." I said.

"It doesn't matter Ace. You need to keep your hands off her and if you don't I'll get Romano." He said.

"Yeah but why did she go bazooka after I mentioned her step dad?" I whispered. "Maybe it's a touchy subject. Get some sleep we have school tomorrow." Matt said.

I nodded and went to my room getting ready for bed. The only this game that runs through my mind is, what happen to my baby sister?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. QOTD: Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot? I choose the robot cause I'm afraid of heights. Please like, comment, and follow. Okay thanks byeeeee!

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