Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I don't think I've ever told you this, but your house is very beautiful. I like the way you get a view of the outside all the time."

As much as he hated the maze like house, Kakyoin loved everything about it as well. The design, the vibe, the nature, it was perfect. It left him wondering what the view at night would look like—Would he get to see the stars in the sky?

Jotaro stared at Kakyoin, pat his head, then continued to show him around. His father had bought the place, so it wasn't really amusing to talk about. The compliment itself was sweet.

Just as the tour was almost over, Jotaro realized he had skipped a place—the last guest's room that was closest to his own room. He did it on purpose—so after they were done, Kakyoin could get comfortable.

"Your suitcase. You might wanna go get that. There's just one more room."

"Alright. I'll go get it—pray that I don't get lost."

"I can go with you."

"Nuh uh, I need to remember the rooms. I got this, don't worry. Most of these doors are open anyway..."

"Alright then."

Kakyoin turned a corner and headed to the dining room—then made his way to the kitchen. Avdol and Polnareff were there talking and sharing food.

"Hey guys!"

The men waved, and Polnareff held up a bag of cherries. He signaled Kakyoin to come over; a wide grin on his face.

Kakyoin excitedly snatched the bag and cheered. He had already forgotten all about the suitcase; his thoughts were now focused on nothing but the snack in front of him.

"Thanks Avdol!"


"You're welcome, Kakyoin."

"Hey, hey, hey, what the hell!?" Polnareff stuttered in utter disbelief. "I was the one who—"

"Actually, I was the one who bought them, Polnareff."

"You guys are jerks! If I hadn't told Avdol you would've never had those cherries, Kakyoin!"

"Tsk, Tsk. I was going to get them despite that, I know Kakyoin likes cherries."

"See! Point made." A moment of realization crossed Kakyoin's face. "Wait—How do you—"

"I'm a fortune teller." Avdol brushed off.

Kakyoin was a bit skeptic, but he decided that Avdol's reasoning actually made sense.
He set his bag of cherries on the counter and smiled, but his eyes widened upon seeing his suitcase.

'Oh shit! Jotaro is waiting for me! I totally forgot...'

He immediately grabbed both of his bags and rushed out of the kitchen. He frantically waved goodbye to Avdol and Polnareff.

"Sorry. See you guys later—Thanks again, Avdol!"

The two men frog blinked.

"That was close."


'Jotaro...Jotaro...where are you? God damnit. Did I get lost, or did he leave me?'

Kakyoin mindlessly walked the halls of the Kujo Residence. He almost didn't have a clue where he was—until he recognized the spot he was in was exactly where Jotaro was originally waiting.

'So where the hell did he go?! To the restroom or what?!'

He wanted to curl up on the floor and scream. This house—it was unbelievable! Not only that, Jotaro had completely ditched him.

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