Chapter Ten

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"Do you mind repeating yourself?" Jotaro asked Kakyoin to quote his first sentence he said to him in English. It was his turn to teach now.

"I'm not saying that. You'll laugh at me."

"I won't, I just need to hear your pronunciation."

"I refuse."

"You're going to have say it eventually, but for now, can you write in English?"

"Definitely! I write English better than I can speak it. That's probably why I have pronunciation problems."

"Show me."

Kakyoin picked up a pen from his bag's pocket and lined paper, then wrote, "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin." His handwriting was elegant and very legible.

"Good job. That's really good."

"...Thanks, I practice a lot."

"Write more down. The sentences need to be longer each line."

"Sure." And so he did, he skipped lines and wrote down lengthy sentences with more complicated words, some being questions, and some being statements. He was proud to be praised for his achievements, but Jotaro tricked him.

"Good. You've wrote all of those, correct?"


"Say them out loud."


"Say them."

"I don't...follow."

"What is there not to follow? Say them."

Kakyoin reluctantly opened his mouth and then looked at Jotaro disquietly. He wanted to say no, but he knew that he wouldn't take that as an answer.

Slowly but surely, he spoke. "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin." It was said bit by bit. He tried his best, but his accent managed to pass through and ruin his R pronunciation.
"That was horrific."

"It was a start."

"Trying to be nice?"

"No. Listen, "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin. Exaggeration is what you need."

"That's the part I can't get! I can't pronounce R's and you know that."

"Then you're going to have to live with the fact you have to substitute your R's with L's."

"You're Japanese and your father's accent didn't transfer to you!?"

"It did, but I've learned to somewhat control my speech. Stop stalling, you got things to read."

"God damnit."

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Kakyoin took a moment to stare Jotaro off. His facial expression asserted that his little joke was him being a hypocrite.

"You swore in front of the whole class, you swore when you were fighting Taji, and I can almost guarantee you, you swear at home."

"You don't know that."

"Except I do."

There was a short pause.



Kakyoin was basically forced to read each and every sentence. If he couldn't pronounce the word, Jotaro would read it and then he would have to say it afterwards. Yes, it came out wonky, but it was the effort that counts.
It took ten whole minutes to read twelve sentences. Jotaro didn't blame him, he was super nervous and he could understand why he would be so flustered. He too once had to go through such a process with his mother.

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