Chapter Twenty-One

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"It seems they've made up."

"Ah, and of course you know that." Polnareff mocked.

"You aren't all there in the head, are you? They're quiet. We should check on them just in case, you know how Jojo is."

"Ah. Right, but there's no way he'd do that to Kakyoin."

Avdol opened Jotaro's door with a tender grin and friendly eyes, and once they were opened, he was so astounded he shut the door with a loud bang.

"Oi! Idiot! Why'd you do that!?"


"Avdol!? Cmon what happened!? They're FUCKING!?"

"NO!? You god damn imbecile! Shut your mouth before Jojo gets out here and beats your ass!"

"My bad."

The two men rushed back to the kitchen, and then Polnareff bursted with questions. Avdol had to hold him back from going in Jotaro's room without his permission.

"To put it in simple words," Avdol begun, "They were hugging."

"Hugging? That's it?"



Holy, in the kitchen, overheard their conversation. "My Jojo and Kakyoin were cuddling? Why that's wonderful!"

"Mrs. Kujo, your son is obviously gay. You have no problem with that?"

"It's fine. I'm sure we all have a little gay in us." She couldn't quite understand the question, but everyone who was standing in that kitchen was an ally.

Polnareff laughed and began talking to Holy, they were best friends almost. Ever since Avdol had brought him over, everyone had gotten along pretty well. Even Kakyoin!

"You know, I wouldn't doubt them being a couple. I mean, it has months?"

"It's been at least six since Jotaro met Kakyoin, Polnareff."

"Really!? It felt shorter. Well—don't go correcting me Avdol, I was a half away."

Holy busily scattered throughout the kitchen, but still managed to keep up. "I couldn't imagine Jotaro being in love—"

Jotaro walked in.

Everyone shut up and Holy gasped on accident, she covered her mouth after, pretending as if nothing had happened.

There was Kakyoin right next to him. He looked great, despite his slightly red eyes.

"Kakyoin!" She called out, "I think it's time to officially meet you! How about it, dear?"

"Ah—Yes. That would be great."

Everyone sat down at the nicely set chabudai that Holy had put down herself. Even though there weren't enough seats, it was fine, Jotaro chose to remain standing. He was "supervising" his mother's questions.

"So, Kakyoin. How has school been going?"

"Very well. I'm academically advancing very highly, and I'm a tutor as you know. I'm sure Jotaro has told you?"

"Yes! He has. Polnareff has also told me some great things about you, since Jotaro usually doesn't talk to me often."

Kakyoin awkwardly laughed, then tried to think of something to press their chat.
"Oh! I just want you to know that Jotaro is actually very smart. You don't have to worry about him at all, I'll handle everything."

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