Chapter Fourteen

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Jotaro held Kakyoin solemnly, he pat his head while standing there.
Kakyoin really needed to let out a good cry and it was painfully obvious to see.

The front door shut and a footsteps were coming their way. Kakyoin didn't hear it, but Jotaro did. It was Anko because Norinobu had just left for work.
Mrs. Kakyoin lightly tapped the door and then went in. She saw Jotaro holding a sobbing Kakyoin, and smiled.

When Kakyoin heard her open the door, he got his head out of Jotaro's chest and looked at her. His face was pink from crying, but now it was red once he realized Jotaro was hugging him and his mother had walked in.

"Noriaki, we need to talk. I guess it's fine if Jotaro tags along."

"Okay.." His father was gone for the day so he couldn't think of what his mother could want. He continued to wipe his face.

They all were grouped at the kitchen, Jotaro was next to Kakyoin and Anko was across from them.
She continued to smile like nothing was wrong.

"I have something I want to tell you, but you can't tell your father."

"Oh..okay?" His curiousness peaked. It must be something important.

Mrs. Kakyoin took a look at Jotaro. It was the same for him. He couldn't mention this with or next to Norinobu. To gain her trust, he nodded.

"Well...I've been meaning to acknowledge this with you. I want you to know that I'm not on your father's side at all, and I totally despise him for what he's doing." She sighed, "So I feel like this is an appropriate time to tell you that I have a girlfriend."

Jotaro checked Kakyoin to see that he was absolutely astounded. His mother, the woman who gave birth to him, was cheating on her husband!?

"What!? For how long?" He forgot all about the tears, but his voice was tremulous and weak.

"Six months."

"Why don't you just divorce dad then? There's no point in having him here...Other than to pay the bills..."

"My girlfriend has a job and she gets paid a lot. I'm not using her for her money though, I genuinely love her and I hope you'll be able to meet her one day. Her name is Ume."

"Does she have a family?"

"No, she's been single her whole life. It's been difficult for her to find someone."


"Well, Noriaki. I guess you can say you're gay from me."

"Mom...that's not how it works!?"

She laughed, "I know. Sorry." Then she brought her attention back to Jotaro.
"Thank you for comforting my son. He's been having it rough and it was so sweet to see him open up to you like that."

Jotaro shadowed his face with his hat before speaking, "Yeah whatever."
Since everyone was coming clean, he could too. He didn't have to act anymore.

"Oh, and please do yell at Norinobu if he causes you two any trouble. I'm sorry for not defending you, Noriaki, but I guess I've just been scared too."

"It's okay." He felt like crying again, but if it was too sudden it would be embarrassing.

"Anko," Jotaro began, "Can I still stay here overnight?"

"Mhm! Norinobu usually goes out to drink after work. He won't be back for a while."

Kakyoin became antsy as she talked. Jotaro noticed him and wondered why, but then he connected the dots.

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