Chapter Seven

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It was the end of the day, well, about to be the end of the day. Jotaro managed to stay awake, he wasn't tired at all because he'd slept an extra few hours.

Just as usual, the bell rang for last period. Jotaro wondered if it would be like yesterday, crowded and busy. If so, he would end up shoving everyone just to sit down.

"Welcome back, Jotaro." Jun greeted him.


"We have to take attendance first..."

"Did you not hear what I said? I said move."

Jotaro stepped in, pushing Jun back quite a lot. Someone caught him luckily, so he didn't fall.
"Ow!" Jun turned back, seeing Kakyoin was the one who held him in his arms. "Ah! Thanks!"

"No problem!" He set Jun up straight, "Excuse him."

"It's fine. I know how he is..."

"Since all my group is here, I gotta go now. Tell me if you need anything."


Kakyoin addressed his group and sat down with them, "Hello Jojo, Keiko, and Shin. Mostly, I'm glad you showed up, Jotaro."

"Thanks. I guess."

"Our lesson today and for the rest of the two weeks is fractions. Keiko, do you suffer with fractions?"

"Kind of...I get how the math works but I always get it wrong."

"Alright. Before I hand you your assignment, I'll go over the basics."

He reached into his bag and pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and titled it, "How to Add Fractions" Then, he gave them sheets of paper and told them to copy what he wrote.

"Adding and subtracting fractions are easy. The denominator, the bottom of a fraction, needs to match with the other denominator that you're going to add. In other words, the common denominator. Do you all know what that is?"

"A denominator you can reach by both denominators."

"Good job, Jotaro. So for example, let's add two sixths and two thirds. What are some multiples of three?"

"Three, six, nine, twelve..." Keiko answered, but lowly. Nobody heard her, but she knew she was right.

"Three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen—"

"Okay Shin, that's good. What are some multiples of six then?"

"Six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty four."

"Good, so what is the common multiple of six and three?"


"Easy, so then you would change two thirds to two sixths. But you aren't done yet. After you find the least common denominator, the fraction or fractions you changed need to have a right numerator."

"Oh! I think I remember how this goes! You do two times two."

"Correct. Why do you do two times two, Shin?"

"Because the old denominator, three, times two is six and six is the least common denominator, which means you have to times two the numerator."

"Perfect. Then what's two sixths plus four sixths?"

"One whole."

"Good job Jojo. It really isn't that hard when you get used to it. Now here's another example, three eighths plus three sevenths. Try solving that. Don't forget to simplify."

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