17. Digital clocks and Old Newspapers

Start from the beginning

"I will put you down on the chair." He said, "See you got it." I smiled, tapping his shoulder. "You two are something else." Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head. He seemed very much amused by the bickering back and forth between Hoseok and I, our sibling bond seeming to develop stronger. Hoseok grumbled under his breath and placed an old, tattered hard cover book on top of the chair. As soon as he placed another book on top of the first one, the chair creaked and then collapsed in a heap, creating a loud sound to echo throughout the room and hallway. Taehyung immediately started laughing, his laughter becoming contagious and causing me to start giggling as Hoseok slightly chuckled.

"What was that?" Namjoon called from across the way. Jungkook peeked into the room, Yoongi standing behind him, "Just a chair. We tested it to see if it could be used and it collapsed under the weight of two books." Taehyung explained, Jungkook nodded and he and Yoongi went back to whatever they were doing.

"Okay." Namjoon called.

"Looks like you'll be staying on my back." Hoseok said, smiling. "Ugh.." I groaned, throwing my head back which made Taehyung chuckle. "It's not funny, Tae." I whined, "But it is. I think it's nice that Hobi hyung is so protective over you." He smiled, "Yeah, well. I'm not the only one he's protective of." I muttered, "True." He agreed, "Hey guys!! I found something!" Jimin shouted, we looked at one another and left the room to check out what Jimin found. The rest of us gathered around what was remaining of the front desk, since Jimin was standing behind it. He held in his hands a newspaper, one that looked old but I could tell that it must have been somewhat only a couple years old.

"What is that?" Taehyung asked, "A newspaper. I found it hidden in one of the books that was behind the left side of the desk." Jimin answered, "Is it important?" I asked, "Yeah.. I think so. It has this written as the headline." Jimin nodded, "The government funds a new project which may be what could possibly save the world. Eight special individuals might just be the key to saving humanity." Jin read, "Could that mean us?" Hoseok asked, "Possibly." Yoongi nodded, holding his chin. "Or it could be talking about another group of eight people that came before us." Taehyung suggested, shrugging his shoulders as he crossed his arms. "What's the date on that?" Jin leaned closer to the newspaper's front page.

"June 12, 2013."

"Is there anything that says the date today? Anything here at all?" Namjoon questioned, this sent everyone into a slight frenzy and made them look for anything that we could possibly use. As I looked around where Hoseok had us standing, I noticed a square-looking box which reminded me of a digital clock. I squinted and leaned back slightly holding onto Hoseok's shoulders, noting that the box seemed to be in working condition. "Hobi," I tapped his shoulder, leaning forward so that I was closer to his face. "Hmm?" He hummed, "What's that down there? Is that a digital clock?" I asked, "Where?" He looked up at me, "There!" I pointed to the right side of the desk which was collapsed, trapped underneath a large piece of brown oak from the desk was a square box. Hoseok bent down slightly and moved the piece of debris gently, making sure not to cut his hands, and picked up the box. We both inspected it, the time reading '6:15 AM, April 8, 2016.'

We've been asleep for that long! There's just no way two years passed by and now everything out there has gone to absolute ruins. What happened to our world? Why were the eight of us in the comas to begin with?

"Oh my god." Hoseok said, as I took the clock from him. "Guys!! Look!!" I shouted, turning everyone's attention to us. "What is it?" Namjoon came over and inspected the clock in Hobi's hands, "It's a digital clock.. It has the date on it and the time." He said, looking at the clock. Jin came over and took the clock out of Hobi's hands, "What does the year say, hyung?" Taehyung asked, standing beside Hoseok and I.

"April 8, 2016."

"We've been in that coma for two full years?!!" Jungkook exclaimed, all of us were in complete shock. Before Jin could answer, a loud roar sounded from a few floors above us. All of us covered our ears, cringing at the loud sound that shook the building heavily. Hoseok uncovered his ears, grabbing onto my hands as the roar died down. All you could hear now was the sound of our panicked breathing, "What was that?" I looked at Namjoon and Jin, my hands starting to shake.

"I don't know... But I don't think it's anything good." Yoongi stated, looking concerned.

Uh oh, looks like the group might just run into another creature while in this building. What do you think the creature lurking upstairs could be? Will the group find safety? And why do you think they were in a coma for four years? Leave your comments in the comment section below. And remember keep it friendly!

P.S. I'm so proud of our boys and I know both Jungkook and Tae's solo albums are going to be incredible!!! I'm so excited!!!

i also want to take a moment and just say, Hobi, our sunshine, I miss you and our bright Jin Oppa. I hope that the two of you are doing well in the military and that you are healthy and safe!!

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