2) The Morning Trip

Start from the beginning

I ignored the heat making its way up the back of my neck. I was just trying to survive out here. The last thing I needed was a boy complicating that.
"Where'd you go?"He asked. I gave him a confused look.
"In you mind. You went somewhere. You're thinking about something."

"Look at that. We're here. Come on, and stay behind me,"I instructed. He looked like he had more he wanted to say, but I didn't let him.

I put a finger to my lips as we walked through the glass. Very carefully I stepped around other broken things before coming to the rusted metal door.

"How many people live here?"He asked.
"Just them. Now hush."

I gave four fast knocks, three slow ones, and two more fast ones. The bolts unlocked and standing before me was Andrea with that big bright grin. It was only made better with her missing front tooth. Hopefully, it grew in soon though because she'd been telling me how bad it hurts.

"Owen, Y/N's here,"She called. Owen stumbled over and pulled me into a hug. He hardly reached my legs, but I still hugged him back.
"I missed you guys to. Is Mom home?"I asked. They shook their heads no. "Okay. Good job at remembering the knock by the way."

"Who's the boy?"Owen asked, pointing at him.
"I'm Newt. Y/N just had some good things to say, and I wanted to meet you two."
"You talk funny,"Andrea stated. He paid it no mind.

"Come in. I want to show you how much higher I can go,"Andrea exclaimed, pulling me by the arm. Behind us Owen was dragging Newt. The door successfully slammed shut.

Setting my satchel down I pulled out their gifts. "For you Andrea I found a teddy. I sewed him up."
"Did you get me something to?"Owen asked, bouncing on his tippy toes.
"Of course buddy. It took some searching, but I found you a nice book. I made sure it had tons of chapters,"I told him. He grinned at me and held it to his chest.

"You better not stop coming over because of your boyfriend,"Andrea stated. I snapped my head over.
"I don't have a boyfriend. Didn't you have a trick you wanted to show me?"I reminded her.
"You're trying to deflect from the topic. I even used big words so it's true,"Owen told me proudly, with his hands on his hips.
"That's not how it works kiddo. Do you know when Mom will be back? I can't stay for long today."
"She said she'd be back any minute now,"Andrea shrugged. As she said that four fast knocks, three slow ones, but three more fast ones were at the door. Newt went to open when I grabbed his hand.

"Never open if it's not the code. Stay quiet,"I instructed. In the corner the kids were hiding behind an old desk.

"Test number one,"Mrs.Cammie said, before giving the right knock. I sighed in relief and went to open it.

"Y/N, this is a lovely surprise."
"It's great to see you too Mrs.Cammie,"I said, giving her a hug.

"Y/N brought her boyfriend,"Andrea exclaimed proudly.  Mrs.Cammie looked in the corner and glared.

"Where are you from?"She asked skeptically. He looked at me for help.
"He escaped from WCKD. He was actually with Aris. He's safe to be around, and he's not my boyfriend."

"Aris? We get to meet Aris?"Owen asked. I put my hands up.
"I'm not sure yet. Mrs.Cammie, I actually have to get back soon though. I'd stay longer, but I can't. I just need food, but I have water in here,"I explained, taking the bottles out.
"She got us gifts to,"Andrea told her.
"You spoil them Y/N. Now you can have split pea soup, but you have to pick between the carrots or apple slices,"She said, looking at me with that sad expression.
"Don't feel bad Mrs.Cammie. You have your own family,"I reassured her, giving her arm a gentle squeeze.
"I know, but you're family to."
"Mrs.Cammie, please don't worry. I understand that you need to eat too. Newt, do you prefer carrots or apples?"I asked. He looked up and pointed at himself.

"No, the Newt beside you. Now carrots or apples?"I repeated.
"Apples?"He said in a more questioning than answering tone. I sighed but accepted it.

"Thank you Mrs.Cammie. We have to go now, but hopefully I'll see again. Goodbye kiddos."
"Goodbye Y/N,"They said in perfect synce. Looking back at them with their wide eyes and dirty faces always hurt. One day I pray they make us somewhere else.

We left their home as I threw Newt some apples slices. "You can eat early since you came with me."
"So was this some kind of test?"He asked. I rolled my eyes at his obliviousness.
"No. It's just that they clearly liked you. It makes me happy to see them so excited to meet someone,"I explained.
"So this wasn't a test?"

"Just eat your apple slices."

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