"damnit! Can this damn waiter be any slower with the meals" Sakura thought, watching the waiter go back. Seeing the waiter finally coming to their side of the table with the hot meal, Sakura couldn't pass this opportunity.

Without any hesitation, Sakura flip over the tray with the hot meal, the commotion was the distraction she need to make her escape. She then make a dash for the door, but it was blocked off by her father's bodyguard

"Shit! How do I get out!" Sakura thought.

Meanwhile, to Sasuke who saw what happen slowly excuse himself from the meeting with Kakashi and calmly walked out of the restaurant and towards the elevators. He had taken an intrust to Sakura, she wasn't like others, and plus he had already promised his son, that he indeed would rescue his mother. However, he would make sure he gets compensation for this later.

Back to Sakura who was panicking now, saw the waiter coming out, she rushed to him "Please sir, can you help me, I need an exit to the elevators please!" Sakura asked him freaking out.

Seeing her panicked state and the men that were approaching her he quickly escorted her to the kitchen exit and to the halls, onto the elevators.

Once Sakura got outside, she look around wondering where can she go, she had no car, and it would take a minute to get to the road, by then they would have caught her. Hearing the men quicken footsteps wasn't making it any better on Sakura, she felt like she was about to have another panic attack "Oh god, please, please, help me escape, please!" Sakura said, tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly a black tined Ferrari pulled up in front of her, as the window rolled down slightly she heard someone telling her to get in. She hesitated for a bit but got in quickly before Sasuke sped off.

Panting heavily Sakura turns back to see her father's bodyguards quickly fading behind them, Sakura breathes a sigh of relief. "What no thank you Sasuke for saving your life," Sasuke told her raising his eyebrow. "Thank you, Sasuke, now could you just drop me off here? I need to go find my son" Sakura told him annoyed. Although she was very grateful for him saving her, she was also annoyed by his hot/cold arrogant behavior.

Sasuke ignored her and keep driving "Uhm excuse me, what are you doing? I said you can drop me off here!!!" Sakura told him glaringly. "Oh relax will you, your son is safe, I can take you to him" Sasuke replied as he continue to head to his house.
Sakura frown "What the hell do you mean by that?!" Sakura asked eyeing him suspiciously.

Sakura for once,  close your mouth and enjoy the ride" Sasuke told her. "That's it, let' me out of this vehicle right now Sasuke!" Sakura told him unbuckling her seatbelt and trying to jump out.
Sasuke just laugh, "Sakura I told you I am taking you to see your son, so what's the issue, could you just relax for once, I am not taking you anywhere else but to him, so relax!" Sasuke replied chuckling a bit.

Eyeing him for a minute, Sakura finally settle down, putting her seatbelt back in place, she relax herself back in the seat. Sakura was exhausted from the drama she went through for the past few days, that she drifted off to sleep. A few hours later, Sasuke arrived at the Uchihas' Mansion and turn to see a sleeping Sakura, look stare at her for a bit before gently waking her up "Hey sleeping beauty, we're here" Sasuke told her "five more minutes please" Sakura mumbled as she turns on the other side, Sasuke chuckle, "if you want me to carry you, all you have to do is ask" Sasuke told her opening his door and walk to her side. As soon as Sasuke opens the door to pick her up, Sakura's eyes shot up, she glares at him "What the hell do you think you are doing!" Sakura asked. Sasuke raise his hand in defense, "Excuse me, I was just trying to help you since you were sooooo tired and needed some time more to sleep" Sasuke replied with a smirk. "Tsk! No thanks! I can walk myself!!" Sakura said getting out of the car and slamming the door behind her. Sasuke just watch her in disbelief, Shaking his head he followed after Sakura to the door.

Sakura stood there waiting, once Sasuke got to the door Sakura turn to watch him. Sasuke opens the door and lets Sakura inside. Once inside Sakura look around "Where is my son? I thought you said he was here?" Sakura asked turning around to glare at him.

"He's here safe, no worries, however before you see him there is something I wish to discuss with you," Sasuke told her leaning casually against the closed door.

Sakura glowers at him "What the hell are you up to now Uchiha!" Sakura thought. "And what exactly is that?" Sakura asked cautiously.

Sasuke pushed himself off the wall with a sly smile and told her: "Please follow me into my office."

Sakura frown "Why must I follow you to your office? Why can't you tell me right here and now?" Sakura asked him. He turn back to watch her "I am nothing but professional Sakura, and I believe you would love to hear what I have to say, either way, the choice is yours," Sasuke told her. Sakura thought for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.

Sakura followed Sasuke down a long hall, glancing at her surrounding. "Gez how rich are these people," Sakura thought. Sakura was so distracted by her curious thought that she didn't notice Sakurke stop until she bumped into him. Before she fell backward Sasuke quickly caught her "You know, you never catch me for a clumsy person." Sasuke told her smirking. Sasuke eyes dd redden with anger. "You son of a bitch!!! How dare you speak to me that way! You Ignorant jacka...." Sakura's tyrant was quickly cut off by Sasuke's serious and passionate kiss, which made Sakura both surprised and longing for more, it's been so long since someone kissed her that way.

Sakura was lost in Sasuke's kiss for a minute until she came back to her sense

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Sakura was lost in Sasuke's kiss for a minute until she came back to her sense.

"What the hell am I doing!" Sakura thought pushing Sasuke. Sasuke was impressed with himself, he like the taste of Sakura. "Oh come on we were just starting to have some fun," Sakura told her.

Sakura was livid! "How dare you!" Sakura growled at him. I don't care what you have to say, I am taking my son and leaving at once! You are to never to contact me ever again!" Sakura said as she turn to leave. Sakura took only two steps before she was stopped dead in her tracts by Sasuke words.

When she turn around to watch Sasuke who was smirking, her face was completely pale, like she had seen a ghost. "No! That's not possible! Oh God Nooooooo!!!!!" 

NOTE: hey guys sorry for the late update, haven't been feeling well, so I was pushing to finish this chapter, hope you guys like it

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NOTE: hey guys sorry for the late update, haven't been feeling well, so I was pushing to finish this chapter, hope you guys like it. feedback is always welcome. 

SECOND CHANGE IN LOVE(from nothing to something)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora