20 - Sure Thing

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I wanted to take my time and look around in the giant building, but once I walked past some scanners, I already rushed away when the lights turned red instead of green.

The stress was on my whole body as I sped up my pace even more, trying not to run since that would be even more suspicious. I had overheard people talking multiple times, so at least knew what floor Minho was on.

It was dumb to use the elevator and not the stairs, turned out, because just when the doors closed, a man dressed in white walked in.

"Good evening." He glanced at me but then nodded politely.

His small mustache and brown hair caught most of my attention. "Hello." I greeted back, crossing my fingers he wouldn't know who I was.. until alarms went off.

I cursed under my breath when the doctor looked at me once again. He definitely heard the alarm.

"What's your name?" He questioned.

"Teresa." I lied. It felt like he could hear the heavy pounding of my heart.

He hummed and stared forward again. "Working late?"

"Yeah, it's been busy." I swallowed, trying to control everything so he wouldn't notice I lied, but the sweat dripped down my forehead.

He chuckled. "You're not so great at lying, Jane."

My face fell in shock, though it wasn't that surprising he knew who I was. Everyone in the city knew, apparently.

The man suddenly turned around, not giving me much time to grab a knife. He kicked on my legs with his legs, tackling me onto the floor.
I gasped when my back hit the hard stone and the man climbed on top of me.

My eyes widened and I felt signs of a flashback come in my vision. It was enough to convince me I had to fight back, and so I did.. by kneeing him off me and pulling out my knife.

The man laughed again. Together we slowly walked circles around the elevator, until I took my chance, bent forward, and sliced the skin on the man's leg.

He let out a scream, wanting to attack me, but the elevator doors opened. I put my knife back and went for the run, just like Nick told me.

My eyes twitched around everywhere, reading signs of where and on which side of the building I was.

I arrived into long hallways that reminded me of the maze a bit, but less tall and dark. It were mostly the curves that reminded me. The walls in the building were white and most lights were blue or red.

On every side of the hallway were doors and most of them had glass windows too, so I could easily search for Minho.

I could breathe, but it still felt like something blocked my throat. That was the anxiety, probably. I wondered what I would find and in what state Minho would be after I saw Sonya and Aris, who looked horrible. Would he look the same?

Doctors gave me glances as I walked and took the cap off my head, hoping that was less suspicious.

I did something I didn't really expect I would do, but it worked.
I grabbed a woman's arm and pulled her around the corner, pushing against the wall.

"Where's A7?" I held my knife against her throat, knowing from memories Minho had that number.

She gasped quietly as her face got washed over with fear. I repeated the same thing, slower.. more threatening.

She lowered her voice and told me the way very quickly. An almost evil smile curled up on my lips when I let her go. Then she rushed toward the other way than me.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now