3 - Lights Are On

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I was secretly crying in my hammock, not really for a reason. I just felt sad, probably about Minho or just the way I had been feeling lately. I didn't get any of it. It couldn't have been Minho being gone that made me that horrible feeling, could it? Because then he was very effective on me.

"I got delivery!" A sudden voice with a bit of a Spanish accent talked. I sniffed, forced my shoulders to stop shaking, and quickly wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Just put it down somewhere," I told Jorge. Hiding that I had been crying in my voice was hard, which he noticed.

"Hey." Jorge gently took my shoulders and turned me around so I faced him. He knew I hated touch, but did it anyways.
He heard what Minho yelled in the Safe Haven, but never asked anything about it, though I was sure he also knew what happened to me.

"Ah, mi hija." Jorge pouted once he saw my face, probably red from crying. Only that made me break down again.

Jorge sighed and wrapped his arms around me, patting my back lightly. "What is it?"

"I don't know." I cried quietly.

Jorge let out another breath and soon let go of me again. "Better check out your delivery then. Maybe you got a secret lover." He grinned and gave me a wink before getting off my hammock. "Let me know if you need anything, mi hija."

"Thanks, Jorge." I laughed through my pain. Later I got curious enough to look at my delivery, so grabbed a white envelope with my name on it off the desk, opening it in a rush.

Garage. One mile away from your location. Go left, right, then follow the way.

11 P.M.

My face paled, a weird feeling in my stomach forming at the strange message. I inspected the letters. They were written with a thick, black pen, and a not very nice-looking handwriting.

Can it be from Minho? I wondered. I did send him a message in the Scorch too, what if he tried the same?
Yet I didn't fully trust it, so threw the envelope in a trash can. If I got another message, only then I would go.


In the morning, I didn't have the energy to get up, but Newt almost dragged me out of there.

"Come on, love." He groaned when I slapped his hands away.

I sighed and eventually walked over to the kitchen. I couldn't resist Newt's sweet eyes!

"Morning," I grumbled as I sat down on a chair, getting a plate of food shoved in front of me, which I once again, pushed away.

"Not happening, mi hija." Jorge forced me to eat while I just didn't have the energy to.. or again, lost my appetite.

The door from outside opened and immediately I recognized Rye by the casual sweater he wore. He held his face down and tried to get away from us, but Cyra jumped up and cupped his face.

"What the hell happened to you?" She almost yelled out. I couldn't see Rye's face, but it definitely wasn't good.

"Nothing." He moved his face away from Cyra, but she pushed it back right away.

"What. Happened?" She repeated, slower and threatening this time. And damn, she had some effect on her brother.

Rye sighed. "It was just some guys, okay?"

I got up and stood next to Cyra to see Rye's face, which I almost gasped by. A nasty, bleeding abrasion was on his cheek, and some cuts in his eyebrow and lip.

Rye moved away from Cyra once again, this time it did work and he managed to escape her grip before glancing at me.

Without saying anything, he pushed a note in my hands and then walked off, Cyra following him, yelling some stuff.

Confused I opened the note and read it.

11 P.M. or it'll be worse next time.

My eyes widened, my mind already spinning with my decision on going or not. Something would definitely happen, and I couldn't tell if that would be good or not, but by seeing Rye's face, it probably wasn't.


While I was putting some knives in my waistband in case something would happen, I heard some people argue.. about me. Shucking great!

"Mi hija is not okay, don't you see that?" Jorge whisper-screamed though I could easily hear him.

"She's not your bloody daughter," Newt replied, sounding a bit angry. "But you're right."

"You better watch your mouth, Kiddo." Jorge threatened but then paused. "Speedy has to-."

"Stop calling them those shucking nicknames!" Newt interrupted, irritated.

Something fell on the ground. "You.. you shut up! She's not quite your love either, so talk for yourself. And why are you acting like this, Kiddo?"

"Acting like what?" Newt groaned.

"Irritated, mad, angry, bad-tempered, cr-."

"I get it!" Newt interrupted Jorge. "Go to your shuck daughter then, maybe try to be a little less traumatizing then-."

Newt got cut off and again, I heard some stuff fall and him grunting.
"Don't finish that sentence, Kiddo," Jorge said through his teeth. "And I don't know what the hell is changing in that little mind of yours, but try to be kind like before and not lose your patience in three seconds!"

I took a raspy breath, also a little surprised by Newt's way of acting. He never said things like that out of a sudden, but I decided not to think too much of it and finish packing up to leave the place, a bit afraid, yet a little excited.

I looked around one last time. The lights in our sleeping room, filled with hammocks, were on, but it felt like nobody was home. We weren't home in that building. I wasn't home when I wasn't with both Minho and Newt, so hoped badly the note was from Minho.

Once I gathered enough confidence, I left the building and started walking. It was dark outside, a cold breeze hitting my face. Some birds chirped and other insects made sounds, sounding quite peaceful.

Not long after, I arrived at the place I was supposed to go, I hoped, at least. The garage was empty and dark, smelling a bit weird.

Slowly I got in there, looking around and ready to get my knife whenever it had to be used.

Then a light went on.


A/N: I'm sorry if this is a little rushed!

But I hope you enjoyed, and.. what do you think will happen?

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