7 - Reflections

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A/N: I hope some people have been noticing every single chapter is named after a song that has a little connection with the chapter :)

And thank you for the help on this chapter
& on other ones


"God, this hurts like hell," I muttered when Cyra helped me walk to the kitchen after our little argument with Jorge.

"Then you should've watched out for someone stabbing you," Cyra replied.

"I didn't let it happen voluntarily!" I defended, then winced as Cyra opened the door to the kitchen.

"There you are!"

"Why is Cyra helping you walk?"

"Stop the Thomasing already, guys." Cyra sighed and put me down on a chair.

"Excuse you?" Thomas dramatically gasped.

Cyra didn't reply and handed me a plate, which I didn't want. "No. You're gonna eat this because you have to heal."

She slammed her hand on her mouth after she realized she blurted out something she shouldn't have said. Now they knew I had to heal because of something!

"Heal?" Thomas questioned.

"From what?" Newt added.

"From heartbreak." I rolled my eyes and started eating. "It's nothing, really."

"Don't talk with a full mouth," Newt ordered when it almost fell out.

Mama Newt.

"First, you tell me to eat, and when I'm eating, you say I shouldn't." I frowned, just to tease Newt.

"How impressive." Newt breathed, fidgeting with his hands and looking quite bored. "So from what are you supposed to heal?"

"This again?" I scoffed. "I said it was nothing."

Newt stared at me blankly for a few seconds, eyebrows slowly furrowing, until soon he relaxed his face again. "Alright."

"Morning," Vince grumbled, like always, and handed me a letter.

My face darkened completely and I ripped it open, reading fast.

Same place. 11 P.M. in two days.

If not...

Next to the last words was blood. I didn't know whose blood it was, but it scared the hell out of me. And by the overwhelming things, I just decided to go. None of my friends could ever get hurt because of me again.

"What is it?" Thomas tried to peek, but I put it in my pocket fast.

"Nothing." I swallowed. "Just some stupid prank."


Newt's POV

I already lay in my assigned place, a bed. I was the only one who had a bed instead of a hammock, yet I didn't get why they wouldn't give it to a girl, but agreed since it was much more comfortable and I hoped it would change my lack of sleep after seeing Jane being broken and one of my best friends gone.

Until, a small wince distracted me. I heard them often, everyone had nightmares, but when they got a little louder, I decided to find out what was happening.

Quietly I got on my feet and walked around, stopping at Jane's hammock. Though it was dark, I could see her beautiful face, but it was damped with sweat. The winces left her mouth, which got me worrying a lot worse.

"Jane." Hesitantly I shook her shoulders, hoping to touch her wouldn't make it worse. What if she had a dream about her dad again? That horrible person...

She cried out and didn't wake up, just kept shaking and twisting. Not long after, I got enough and just wrapped my arms around the girl, gently lifting her to my bed.

I noticed how light-weighted she was. I remember carrying her in the Glade too and then she also was quite easy to lift, but she had lost a good amount of weight. It scared me. Something could be or get seriously wrong if she kept going with the under-eating, which I also didn't get.

Why would she?

I noticed a tear falling down Jane's cheek and found it too sad not to lay down next to her, so ended up doing that. She whimpered in fear once again, but also breathed out when I moved my hand toward her waist, trying my best to comfort her.

Jane's body relaxed for a split second, but when my arm fully wrapped around her and my hand touched skin that felt weird, she cried out in pain, this time.

I frowned deeply, a pit of suspecting she was hiding something forming in my body. I had already noticed it.. she couldn't walk, there was blood on the ground I guessed might've not been from her period or whatever it was called like, and she just acted strange.

So, carefully and hoping it wasn't too disrespectful, I took a flashlight and shined it on Jane's side where I had touched her. I took a deep breath and then moved her shirt, stomach dropping right away.

There was a very deep cut in her skin, running up from her hip to below her chest. It was stitched with black dread, but it still didn't look well.. so deep and painful.

In shock, I just froze for a second. How the hell did that happen? Who did that? Who even dared to do that to her? 'Cause I was ready to-

My thoughts got interrupted by the one and only Jorge again, like always. I had felt so guilty about what I yelled at him, but I couldn't help it. I was just frustrated! But I secretly appreciated him so much for being some sort of father figure to Jane, yet sometimes he was a little too stern on me or Rye, in my opinion.

"Kiddo, why is she lying next to you?" Jorge sighed and bent down on his knees.

"She had a nightmare." I quickly assured him, deciding if I would tell Jorge about the stab or not.

"Anything else?" He scrunched his eyebrows, causing some forehead wrinkles to appear.

"Yeah," I muttered and took the flashlight again. "Look."

Jorge stared at the wound for a while after I showed him, eyes full of fire. "Who did that?" He asked as if I were supposed to know and he was threatening me, since it sounded like that.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me anything. I just found out." I replied, hands almost shaking from the worry.

"Holy.." Jorge mumbled. "If it was one of us-."

"No." I shook my head. "No one in here would do that."
There was no way one of us would stab someone else.

Jorge nodded slowly. "We'll ask tomorrow. Let her rest."

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now