12 - Teenagers

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"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me." Well, yes that's Jorge's POV in this chapter 😃

Oh, and I hope this is not too much of a jump from a sad chapter to a funny chapter 🤷‍♀️ or that this is weird


I sat on the beach in the dark, watching the relaxing waves hit the sand over and over again. I felt horrible though, so the waves didn't help much, except I could get some alone time until someone interrupted.

They put their hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch and toss around with my arm.

"Woah! It's just me." Cyra laughed. And that bothered me as shuck. "Look what I got." She held up a big bottle, filled with a clear liquid.

"What is it?" I muttered. I wasn't interested much and mostly felt like just smashing the whole bottle out of anger, which was also forming in me.

"Now this, Jane.." Cyra sat down next to me. "This is alcohol."

I hummed and brought my knees up to my chest, not impressed. "Alright."

"Got it from Crassus," Cyra explained without me asking anything.

"Got it?" I scoffed.

"Stole, then." Cyra shrugged. "Same thing."

"For sure," I muttered before getting the bottle pushed into my hands. "Alcohol won't solve any problems."

"Acting like Mama Newt isn't gonna solve any problems either." Cyra mimicked and opened the bottle. "Just one sip." She begged.

I sighed and took a sip, the strong liquid running down my throat. It felt surprisingly good, so I took some more sips.

"I said one sip, not half of the damn bottle." Cyra snapped it out of my hands. "Leave something for me, jeez."

I blinked a few times when my mind started to spin after a few minutes. "The hell is this?"

"Strong," Cyra replied casually before finishing the bottle. "Another one?"


"Alright. I'll go get it." She said. "You better not be skinny-dipping when I come back here."

"Mhm." I lay down on the sand and watched the stars, slowly feeling some emotions leave. Might've not been the best idea to ever start drinking that liquid, turned out, but I felt awesome.

"How are they not gonna notice this?" I sighed when Cyra came back with three more bottles.

"How are they gonna stop us?" She handed me a bottle.

"At least this is not Gally's piss." I laughed out loud, not quite realizing how crazy I was already acting.

"Piss?" Cyra threw her head back, laughing too. And then the conversation on how Gally's recipe to make piss drink started. Soon we were both rolling over the sand laughing.

"This is so good." Cyra slugged over her words after taking more sips of a bottle.

"I don't know why I never did this before!" I giggled and drank more too.

"But Newt's gonna kill us!" Cyra gave me a push on the shoulder.

I pushed back just as hard. "Shuck Newt!"

"Your biggest wish, indeed!" Cyra pointed at me. And god, we were very drunk.

"Oh, shit!" I whisper-screamed and motioned at a figure walking over to us.

"Mi hijas?" Jorge shouted.

"Hey, Dad!" We screamed in unison, not actually thinking about what we actually said. Then we started running away, holding each other's arms, since we couldn't run straight.

"I'm as straight as I'm running right now!" Cyra screamed through the whole place.

"Like a circle!" I made a pirouette, Cyra following after. We laughed loudly and continued to flee from Jorge.

"A Griever!" I looked at Jorge, who in my drunk imagination was a Griever.

"To Rye!" Cyra ordered, and so we did. We giggled and when we arrived at the building, we started walking instead of running.

"And where do you think you're going then?" I suddenly heard. I thought the person was talking to us, but turned out that was not the case, but I found out about that when we stumbled into the room, revealing Newt and Thomas.

"Hellooowww..." Cyra almost fell onto the ground.

"What are you two bloody doing?" Newt frowned deeply.

I laughed. "You talk weird."

Newt raised his eyebrows and gave Thomas a glance, who shrugged.

"You two drunk?" Thomas wondered.



"Stop Thomasing us!"

"We're not drunkkk.." I almost tripped, but Newt caught me in his arms. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds. "You have beautiful eyes."

"Definitely drunk," Newt confirmed.

"I don't know why you would-." I cut myself off by turning my head and feeling the liquid of the drink coming back up again. Newt cursed under his breath as I vomited on the ground.

"I think I'm gonna.." Cyra followed after me. Thomas' stood there, staring at us with wide eyes.

"Alright," Newt muttered. He wrapped an arm around me and helped me walk to the hammocks, Thomas helping Cyra.

"What did you drink, love?" Newt sighed.

"I didn't drink a love potion.." I replied. Newt put me down on my hammock, the sweat dripping down my forehead. "It's so hot in here!"

"Okay." Newt smiled and didn't put a blanket over me. Before I could blurt out the next stupid thing, I vomited on the floor again.

Newt's face twitched for a second. He lifted me up again, and walked over to the bathroom.

"Try to use the toilet instead of the ground, Jane." He mumbled.

"Thanks for the tip." I let out a giggle and walked over to the toilet just to throw up one more time. Newt sighed and sat down next to me.

Out of a sudden, he took all my hair in one of his hands, making it into a ponytail as I hung over the toilet.

"I can't feel any emotions, Newt," I said. "It's amazing! No grief."

"Mhm," Newt answered. "You done?"

I wiped my mouth. "I hope."

He helped me back to the hammock, where I fell asleep in just a second.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now