Chapter Five - Take on me

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|| Ik Georgia and David are extremely happy together and I wish them and their cute family more than the best!

It was already midday, when I finally woke up, due to some noises, coming out of my kitchen. I rubbed my (still) acing head and after I spent some time half asleep, I finally stood up and went into my kitchen, where I found Lou making herself some coffee.

"Morning," she said yawning, the second she saw me standing in the doorway.

"Good morning," I replied. "How did you sleep?" I continued sleepy soon after.

"Pretty good, actually. Your bed is really comfortable," she giggled while sitting down on one of the three chairs in the room. "Sorry for taking it."

"It's okay," I insured her.

"Okay good... What happened yesterday?" she asked out of nowhere. "I was really worried about you!" At first I had no idea what she was talking about but eventually the memories of the incident and the man came back.

"Oh that," I realized short after. "I just fainted, but there was a man that stayed with me and helped me out," I explained to her.

"Yeah, we were told some man paid for our lift home," she told me. "Was it him?"

"Yours too?" I asked shocked, not directly answering her question.

"Yeah but we didn't get to see him. How was he like?" she asked, wobbling her eyebrows challenging. "Did you find out his name? Do you have his number?"

"He was so sweet but unfortunately I didn't ask for his number, nor his name." I tried not to smile at the thought of him, but failed miserably.

"You're such a dumbass sometimes," she laughed loudly. "But apparently you've got someone's number." She pointed at my arm, where random digits were written on. Obviously it was a phone number but whose could it be? Secretly I was hoping it was his but he had no reason for doing so. He most likely had a wife and kids, but I was still allowed to dream, right? I shrugged my shoulders. "Do not call nor text that person until three days passed. It's the psychology of dating," she continued looking me straight into my eyes.

"This is bullshit!"

"No it's not! I read about that," she said raising her eyebrows and nodding convinced. "If you text them too fast, you'll seem desperate but if you wait longer than three days, they'll think you're not interested," she explained, getting up to get her coffee, after the cup was filled all the way to the top. Without mentioning something, she put another cup into the machine for me.

"Alright," I simply responded.

After that I drank my coffee, mixed myself some muesli and yogurt and ate it. I decided to go to the library and Louna kindly offered to go to the grocery store today, so I got ready, what took way longer than usual, since I had to remove all of my messy makeup from yesterday. After a warm shower, I changed into comfortable jeans and an oversized shirt, grabbed the first one of my new books and eventually left my apartment. Today I decided not to wear much makeup, just some tiny amount of eyeliner. On the way to the library, I stopped at my favorite cafe to get another coffee. As I waited in line, I spotted an awful familiar face looking at me. Only when I was already at the library, I remembered where I knew him from. That was the stranger from yesterday. Great, that was the second time seeing him and also the second time missing the chance to thank him. I could just go back but that would be a little weird, wouldn't it? I decided not to overthink it and just sat down in the last corner, to start reading.

I wasn't quite sure how much time had already passed but I was already on the 80th page. This book was just so amazing. The desire to read it all today was big. As I wanted to stand up and stretch my legs, I noticed a man in a super tight sweater and jeans. I immediately knew it was the guy from the cafe. He grabbed a book and sat down in another corner, where I could still see him. Was he following me? Secretly glanced over to him over and over again, fighting with the thought whether I should go up to him and thank him now or if I should just ignore him.

One time our eyes met and I immediately tried to cover up the fact that I was blushing. After that I couldn't concentrate on my book anymore but still acted like I was actually reading. Suddenly someone sat down next to me. Curiously I looked up and noticed it was him.

"Hey. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself yesterday. I'm David," he said quietly, sitting the exact same way as he did in the hospital.

"Hi, I'm Evan." I tried to play it cool what obviously didn't work.

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiled softly.

"Pleasure to meet you too," I replied smiling as well. I put my book away and turned around to directly face him.

"You like reading too, huh?" he asked the most obvious question.

I nodded. "What are you reading right now?"

"Just this." He raised his hand in which he held a book.

"And what ist this about?" I asked curious.

"Oh, it's about environmental changes," he explained. We talked a lot about books and how people sadly don't read anymore.

"I never got the chance to thank you," I began after we finished talking about books.

"You didn't have to."

"Yes I did and I still do, so thank you. That was very kind of you." I finally got it off my chest. "Why did you wait with me? I mean you could have easily handed me over to the security and leave. And then you even paid for my friend's and my bill. No one does that out of pure kindness."

"I already told you I didn't want to leave you all alone and I also got the feeling that you were safer with me," David responded but something inside me told me, that this wasn't the whole truth.

"Okay, can I at least pay you back or make it up to you? I'd do everything," I ensured him.

"Really everything?" he asked with a challenging look in his eyes and leaned over to me. That made me really nervous if I'm honest. My heart started going feral.

"Uhm... yes," I stuttered nervously.

"Great, let's go for a walk," he said while standing up drastically. When I didn't stand up, he offered me his hand, so I can pull myself up. "I won't kidnap you, I promise," he laughed what made me even more nervous. I grabbed his hand.

We decided to take a walk through the park nearby. After a while we sat down together on a bench. We talked about many different topics and discovered a few things we had in common. On many things we had the same opinion on others we didn't, yet we could understand the others point of few. Somehow we started talking about relationships and he told me, he got a divorce not very long ago because him ans his wife somehow lost interest in each other and it was best for his four children. It took me a minute to progress what I just heard. David told me about his daughter who was born just this year. He also told me, all of his kids lived in West London with their mother. He was currently thinking about moving to Scotland again but that meant he'd see them even less. With that I finally found out where his extremely cute accent came from.

It was already 6 pm when he kindly walked me home.

"Can I have your number?" I finally felt brave enough to ask.

"You already have it." With that he winked at me and turned on his heels. "Good night," he said glancing at me over his shoulders before leaving.

"Night," I responded, looking after him, as he left. Only after David made a turn and I lost sight of him, I went up the stairs.

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