Chapter Eleven - Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow

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David spontaneously decided to go somewhere and didn't tell me where we're headed to. He just said get in the car and here I was now, waiting for him to come back from the grocery store. When he finally returned, he had a bag in his hands.

"What did you get," I asked him about it, as he sat down behind the steering wheel again.

"It's wine, if you must know," he answered and something in his eyes told me he had a plan.

"Alright and where are we going?"

"That is still a surprise."

It took us about an hour to get there and when we did arrive, I was shocked about how many cars there were. "Where exactly are we, David?"

"In a drive-in cinema. Sorry, it's not very special, but I think it's enough for a spontaneous date," he said smiling at me. I grinned widely, when he called it a date.

"It's perfect. I've never actually been to a drive-in cinema to be honest," I told him.

"Well then... It's good we're here."

The car was now parked on a large parking lot. The sun wasn't all the way down yet and not every car was parked, so we had to wait a little, but then the film started.

"What genre is this film?" I asked David.

"It's a romance as far as I know," he answered and I nodded.

I quickly texted Ash that I'm not at home, before I forget it again.

I looked around a bit, while the movie was playing. There mainly were couples making out or cuddling.

"David," I began and he just made a noise. "What is the wine for?" I continued.

"It's for later," he just answered and I nodded.

"It's getting quite cold, don't you think?" I turned to face him.

"I sadly don't have a jacket to offer you," he said, pressing his lips together.

"That's fine." He opened his arms invitingly, for which I was grateful. I crawled over to him, carefully taking a seat on his lap. He put his arms around my stomach and pulled me closer, what made me really nervous. My heart started beating faster and his breath tingled in my neck. But it indeed was warmer immediately.

After about half an hour, he suddenly covered my face with his hands. "What's wrong?" I asked him confused.

"Would you mind turning around to face me?" he asked me without answering my question.

"Sure," I said even more confused, but did what was asked of me. "What's wrong," I asked him, now looking into his eyes.

"Paparazzi," he just said and I nodded in understanding. "I don't want you to be dragged into this. Please keep your head down."

"If this is a part of your life, it's part of mine now too."

"Believe me. You don't want this. Not being able to go out on the streets without strangers taking pictures of you and I don't want to be the reason you... get hated on."

"Why should I be hated on?"

"People on the internet are strange. They did the same thing with Georgia," he explained.

"I'm sorry to hear it. Will you tell me when they're gone?"

"Of course." I rested my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes. I don't exactly know how much time had passed, but the film was over, when David woke me.

"Sorry, I guess I fell asleep," I laughed, while I crawled over to the passenger seat again.

"It's okay," David said. "The end was boring... So, let's get out of here."

After we drove a few minutes, David suggested, we go to his place and cook something, so we did. The dinner was delicious. David proved again, that he was an excellent chef. While we cooked, well, I mostly just watched him. We already drank a whole bottle of wine together. After we ate, we went into his living room talked and continued drinking.

"I'm sorry," David said after a few minutes of silence.

"For what?" I tried hard not to sound too drunk.

"For the whole paparazzi thing," he continued.

"It's not your fault," I ensured him.

"Yes it is. It'd be better if you stay away from me."

"Don't think I'm going to leave you because of that. I want to spend time with you, wether it involves people taking pictures of me or not. Besides, they'll only have their eyes on you," I giggled softly.

"Believe me, if they see you, they'll go wild," he laughed. "You're special, you know," David said, coming closer.

"I don't feel like I'm special," I said, trying to cover my nervousness, but suddenly my voice was high pitched. I could swear my heart skipped a beat, when he placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Then let me make you feel special," he whispered and I felt his breath tickling on my lips. I couldn't even finish thinking, since he suddenly pressed his soft lips on mine. For a quick second I thought the world would explode but it just was my heart. All this time I imagined this exact moment, but never actually allowed myself. But it was this forbidden fear, that made it so special. I couldn't live my life in fear that I might break my promise. Nothing felt as good as giving in on the deepest desire of heart, no matter how wrong it seems. It took me a minute to process what just happened, but nearly immediately I returned the kiss. I laid my hands on his waist. With every second that had passed, David pulled me even closer and I happily let it happen. I have never actually kissed anyone before, what made it even more exciting for me. After some time, might have been hour, might have only been some seconds, we pulled away again.

"That was...," I first came to word again after taking some deep breaths. David smiled and buried his head in my shoulder, I stuck my nose in his fluffy hair. After a while my phone rang, so I tried to reach it without having to stand up. It was Ash, so I just ignored it. I had more important things to do.

"Something important?" he asked.

"No, don't think so," I answered, while taking a seat on his lap again. We looked at each other deep into the eyes, then he kissed me again. This time it wasn't unexpected nor overwhelming. It was right and pure. My hands reached his hair, while his lips reached my neck, searching for something. My breath was now going faster and when he reached a certain spot, a quite new noise came out of my mouth. I just ignored it, when I felt David smiling in his kisses on my sensitive skin. His hands moved from my back further down. When he reached between my legs, I pulled away quickly and looked him apologising in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he started apologising.

"Don't be. It's my fault. I'm sorry... I think... I should go now." The pain and the blame he put on himself in his eyes was heartbreaking, but I wasn't ready to tell him yet. I didn't want him to leave me because of it. I was being selfish, I know that now.

"I'll drive you home," David suggested, probably thinking he owes me something, even though he didn't.

"You're drunk! I'll tell Ash to come and pick me up." Said, done. I was so happy she was still awake. While I waited the 20 minutes for Ash, David left me alone in the room and went into another one.

Sunshine on Leith (David Tennant Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz