Chapter Nine - Say It

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|| Sorry, I have a really bad girl in red phase right now, so for this chapter it won't be a 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s song. Also, I just watched Good Omens season 2 and I'm heartbroken...

The next morning I woke up to some noise right next to me. It took me a minute to remember what had happened yesterday and why there was someone in bed with me. I opened my eyes just a little bit, watching David sit up and checking his phone. Before he stood up, he leaned over to my side and suddenly my blanket moved. He carefully grabbed it and pushed it further over my shoulders, so that I was covered up to the chin. I took a sharp breath and he stood up with a sight after that.

When he closed the door, I fully opened my eyes and rubbed the tiredness out of them with a sight. He was so dreamy. I couldn't already be in love, could I? It's only been a couple of days, but here I am, not able to think straight, because of a guy. And I always thought this only happens in films and books.

I was sitting in front of the Window, staring out on the streets. It was very quiet and nearly no cars drove by. There were some people walking around but that was all. The morning sun shone happily into the room.

I checked my phone to check the time and noticed that Lou and Ash already called me several times. Shit, I thought to myself and immediately called back. When Louna didn't pick up, I tried to call Ashana.

"Omg, Evan. Are you okay?" she asked me worried as soon as she picked up.

"Yeah, sorry. I should have called you. I spend the night at David's," I explained to her, going through my hair with my hand.

Her tone changed abruptly. "Uh. How come? Did you do it?," she asked me and I could literally feel her ginormous grin through the phone.

"What no, we didn't! Obviously," I quickly said. "Forgot about the ring? And besides, it was our first date!"

"You already know my opinion on the purity ring, but I shouldn't have asked, sorry."

"It's fine. I'll tell you more when I'm home. Tell Lou I'm okay," I said. "Ciao." With that I hung up and went into the kitchen, where David read something and drank a coffee.

"Morning," I said.

"Good morning. Did I wake you?"

"No," I simply responded to his question.

"Well then... are you hungry?" David asked smiling.

"Yes." I slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him on another chair.

After we ate breakfast, we had some pancakes we made together. Normally I didn't really enjoy cooking, but with him it was quite fun, David told me he had to go to work soon and that he'll drop me off at my apartment.

"What even do you do for living?" I asked, when I realised we had never talked about his work before.

"Uhm... I don't really like talking about my job..." David said and I was wondering why he was afraid of sharing it with me, but it's best not to speculate. I nodded in understanding. "Just... just don't google me, please." It really seemed important to him and I totally respect his wish for privacy.

"I won't, I promise. Tell me when you change your mind or don't."

"I will." He gave me a thankful smile, then left the room and came back short after with some fresh clothes for me. He handed me a green pullover and black pants. I thanked him and went into his bathroom to change. After that, we started driving to my apartment. When we got closer to my home, I also realised that the goodbye got closer and I actually didn't want to leave him.

"When will I see you again?" I asked when we came to a stop.

"I could pick you up after work?" David said what sounded more like a question.

"If you don't mind?"

"I think I nearly like spending time with you as much as you do with me," he smiled. Did I mention that his smile was literally the sweetest?

"That's good to know," I said smiling as well. "See you later then. Have fun," I continued as I got out of the car.

"Thanks." I shut the door and walked towards the building. Before I entered, I turned around again and waved at him, what he did as well, before he drove off.

I ran up the stairs and paused in front of Ash's door, but then I decided to go to Lou first and check if she was already awake and to my amazement she was, but she was crying.

"Lou? Are you okay," I asked while I sat down next to her on the couch. She suddenly hugged me tightly and I also wrapped my arms around her.

"It's Marie. She seems so off lately and I think she lost interest in me," she explained the situation and I nodded in understanding. Marie was her girlfriend and I have never seen anyone being so in love with someone like Louna was in love with Marie.

"I'm sure she didn't. Maybe she's just not feeling we-" Lou interrupted me, giving me her phone with their chat open.

L: I miss you so much, honey

M: Okay

Damn that must have hit badly, but it got even worse.

L: I need to go now. I love you, bye <3

M: Sure, bye

Oh god. I never thought she could be that rude. I never met Marie before, but I heard a lot about her and this didn't seem to be the Marie, Lou was always talking about.

"Lou... I'm so sorry... How long has she been like that?" I asked to understand the situation better.

"Like two weeks now," she sobbed, wiping away her tears.

"Come on. Let's bring you on other thoughts. Wanna watch something?" I suggested to which she just nodded thankfully. I know that wasn't the best way to cope with her problems. "How about you chose what we watch and I get us some snacks?"

"Sounds great. Thank you."

"That's what friends are for," I reminded her and got up. In the kitchen, I made some popcorn and grabbed her favourite monster. I also got my comfort blanket and gave it to her. She wrapped herself in it. I put everything down on the table in front of us and made myself comfortable.

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