Chapter Two - We Built This City

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After that phone call, I decided not to overthink what had happened, but to pay a visit to my beloved best friend, who lived two floors underneath me. I left my apartment, locked it with my key and ran down two stairs into the third floor, where Ash lived. I rang the bell. As soon as she saw me standing in front of her, she pulled me into an overwhelming hug.

"Happy birthday, Evan," she said after pulling away again. "Come in!"

"Good morning to you too," I laughed to myself as I entered her apartment after her. It was pretty pink decorated and I liked that. It seemed so friendly and welcoming and it really fit her personality.

"So, I was thinking about what we could do today and since I know you too well, you didn't plan anything other than reading in your room," she began after we sat down. Ashana actually knew me too well.

"Yeah, that was actually my plan, Ash," I responded, praying she didn't come up with some crazy idea like going bungee jumping or stuff like that.

"Too bad. You are going to a party with me tonight. Whether you like it or not," she said very convinced of her plan.

"Ashhhhhhhh," I groaned.

"Don't care. You need to go outside more often, snowflake!" She always called me that, when I refused to go outside for something other than the bookstore, library, grocery store, my favorite café or therapy.

"Fine," I groaned, letting myself sunk deeper into the couch and leaning my head back. I wouldn't be able to change her mind anyway, so I just agreed.

"Great!" My best friend grinned widely. "But first we're going shopping! You sure can't go dressing like that," she told me, giving me a once-over.

"Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked stupidly.

"Are you for real?" Ash looked at me skeptical, before she continued. "Anyway, we need to buy you something sexy. Who knows, maybe you'll meet your future partner there," she explained, wobbling with her eyebrows weirdly challenging. Who knew she was actually not completely wrong with that.

"You know I'm not looking for someone but fine. We'll buy a "sexy outfit" for me, as you suggested, if it makes you happy," I said. "But my friend Louna from Germany should arrive here soon. I will pick her up from the airport in about an hour, then she'll need a minute to relax, but after that we can go shopping together. In tree and a half hours?" I wanted to make sure.

"Right. She's such a sweetheart, can't wait to see her again." Ashana looked at me excitedly. "But before you leave, I have a present for you," she continued.

"You really didn't have to-"

"Uh uh, I did," she stopped me by raising her hand and shaking her head. With a big grin on her face, she handed me a green, perfectly wrapped, big present. Green was my favorite color. I'm so grateful for having her in my life. She makes me feel like I'm worth something, she listens to my constant talking and even captures little informations like what my favorite color is, who my favorite Hannibal characters are - it's Frederick Chilton, Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Margot Verger and Bedelia Du Maurier. (SPOILER for those who haven't watched Hannibal yet, DON'T read the following sentence) Ash even comforted me, when Beverly Katz died - also one of my all time favorites.

Carefully, I unwrapped it and when I saw what's inside I gasped. "Oh my god. You cant even imagine how desperately I wanted to buy those," I squeaked, as I pulled out the first book, which cover told it's "City of bones", the second one was "City of ashes", the third one "City of glass", "City of fallen angels", "City of lost souls" and last but not least "City of heavenly fire". It felt surreal to finally be able to hold them in my hands and their covers are even more beautiful, than I could have ever imagined.

"I'm glad you like it," Ash smiled softly.

"Like it? I LOVE it," I corrected her. "Thank you so much!" I ran around the table and gave her a big hug.

"Ah, he is happy about your present, as I see." An amused sleepy voice appeared behind us.

"Hey, Zion," I welcomed her husband. "Long time, no see. How have you been?" I asked him, as soon as he sat down next to his wife and put his arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. They were such a sweet couple.

"Hi Evan. You know, pretty great actually. The company finally employed me and it's pretty great there. They don't treat me like shit like the other company," he answered my question. "But enough about me. Happy birthday, mate," he continued and I gave him a hug as a thank you.

"That's great news. I'm so glad you like your new job!"

"Thanks. How's it going with your job?" he asked interested.

"It's great to see that I really help my patients and make progress," I simply answered.

"Well, I better get going," I said soon after in a happy voice after this great morning. "Bye!" I grabbed my new books, thanked them again and left. As soon as my present was brought home safely, I got into my car to drive to the airport. I was way too early and the flight was a bit late, so I waited there impatiently and regretted that I didn't bring one of my many new books. Time seemed to pass much slower than usual but eventually I saw Lou running towards me. As soon as I saw her I jumped out of the cheap plastic seat and hugged her tightly. After all, I hadn't seen her in person for two years now. She sometimes visited me on vacations, unlike my parents. They called me once a week to check if I am okay, but never bothered to come here. My mum probably wanted to but my dad told her not to, as punishment for leaving home. Really silly but it is what it is.

"I've missed you, Evan", Louna told me with a big smile and teary eyes. Yes, she spoke English with me because she took the opportunity to learn speaking faster and more fluently.

"I've missed you too, Lou," I replied. "It's so great to see you again!"

"You too! And by the way, happy birthday, old man," she laughed.

"Hey, I'm not that old. I'm only 25!" Laughing, I gently pushed her away with my hands.

"I don't know. Your little beard there makes you look kinda old," she added shortly after, pointing at my face.

I rolled my eyes to the back of my head, but didn't mean it to seem like I'm actually annoyed, therefore I smiled while doing.

"Okay, lets get going," I said, after a short while of catching up. "We're going shopping for a party tonight with Ashana in two hours," I continued while grabbing her bags and putting them into the trunk of my cream colored Oldtimer.

"Ok, can I come with you?" she asked carefully.

"No, you're a waste of space," I said ironically. "Ash can't wait to see you again and to be honest, we didn't even consider you weren't coming," I laughed quietly to myself.

"Okay, great. 'Cause if we go to a party, I need a different outfit as well." She pointed at her oversized black hoodie and her grey sweatpants. Lou just liked to be comfortable.

On the drive home, she told me about her girlfriend and how she bought her her favorite flowers on Valentines day this year. It must have been very special for her. I simply told her, nothing much has changed. We still FaceTimed every week but we didn't really talk about over all changes. Only stuff like: How are you? How was your day? And so...

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