Chapter Fifteen - Heaven's on fire

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|| Didn't know what song to chose, so I went with Kiss, so just ignore the fact that this song doesn't match with the chapter at all.

"David?" I immediately asked, when I answered the phone.

"Hey, I am not going to be able to go back to your place again," he said and I noticed that he sounded very stressed out.

"Why? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked him concerned with a frown on my face. Louna gave me a confused look, when I glanced over at her.

"It's a family emergency, I'll explain everything to you later, I promise, but for now, invite your friends over and don't worry about me," he said in a hurry. "Bye! Have fun!" I wasn't even able to answer, when he already hung up.

I gave Lou a confused look and so did she. "What's wrong?"

"I don't really know. He said it was a family emergency," I answered with a frown and laid my phone on the table in front of the couch.

"Oh okay..." There was an uncomfortable silence between us, in which we both didn't know what to say. "And what is your plan now?" Lou broke the silence when it got too loud.

I shrugged. "There isn't really anything I can do, so... I guess let's just invite Ashana and Zion over to hang out with us?" I said with a questionable look on my face.

"Fuck yeah, let's do that," Louna responded loudly and clapped her hands excitedly to lighten up the mood.

"Alright, Imma give her a quick call," I decided and picked up my phone again. I was about to ring Ash, when I decided to write David a message first real quick.

E: Stay safe❤️

Once that was finished, I finally called Ashana. She picked up almost immediately.

"Heyy," she said very energetic.

"Heyy. So do you and Zion wanna come over to hang out an just have a chill night together?" I asked her, hoping she'll say yes.

"Yes! We'll be there at 4pm 'ight?" She waited for my consent. I thought about it for a short time and it seemed like a good plan, so I agreed. "Sick, I'll bring Sophie, if that's fine with you?"

"Sure, see you later!" We said goodbye and hung up. Louna was watching me the whole time and now she put on a smile. "They're gonna be here at 4, so we still have three hours till then."

"Nice... are you thinking what I am thinking," she asked with a challenging look on her face.

"Hell yes," I answered excitedly and turned on the tv to watch Star-wars Episode II, since we already watched the first.

"You can read my mind," Lou laughed and made herself comfortable.

When the film was over it was already nearly 4 pm. We cleaned up a bit, put two extra chairs in the living room and also put some snacks on the table. We also found the Klopfer Louna gave me for my birthday. To be honest I completely forgot about them.

"Your presents come in handy today," I commented chuckling, while putting the package on the table.

"What do you mean?" She was confused and I froze in my spot with wide open eyes, thinking back to this morning. Luckily she couldn't see my face right now.

"Oh, nothing..." I said quickly and continued with what I was doing. She let it go after that. "Hey Lou?" She made a noise to let me know she is listening. "Are there some updates on Marie?" I asked carefully, after I had thought about it for a while.

"Actually yes. I called her yesterday and confronted her. I told her she hurt me and stuff. She explained to me, that she just felt left out, because I had been constantly talking about visiting you the whole time. And because I was so excited she thought I lost interest in her and was in love with you and everything, but I explained everything to her and apologised. Now everything is fine again," she explained and I told her how happy I am for them.

About 20 minutes passed, when we heard knocking on the door. Louna and I both went to answer it.

"Hey," Ash greeted me with a big hug like always.

"Hey, come in," I invited them all in. First Ashana entered, then Zion and then Sophie and Harry. I didn't know he was also coming, but I didn't mind it at all. I've met them before, but Lou hadn't, so I quickly introduced them to one another. We sat down in the living room, Lou, Ash and I sat on the couch and Zion, Sophie and Harry on the chairs. We started talking and drinking some alcohol.

"Let's play truth or dare," Sophie suggested, after we all were slightly drunk, while opening one of the beers Zion brought.

"How old are we again?" Ash asked, chuckling at the suggestion.

"Im down for it. If it isn't fun, we can just stop playing," Harry said and we all agreed.

"Okay, who is going first?" Ashana asked and when nobody answered she just decided to go first. "Okay, Harry," she began, concentrating on him.

"Dare, I'm not a pussy," he said and she thought about a good dare.

She put on a wide grin before speaking again. "I dare you to order pizza for us all." We all started cheering at her dare, but Harry just jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Fine, what do ya'll want?"

"Let's order two large pizzas, one Margarita, because I am vegetarian..."

"...and one Diavola," I interrupted Sophia and all agreed on these two choises. Harry ordered them and then we got back to the game.

"Okay, Louna, truth or dare," he asked her, she thought about it and chose dare. "Switch clothes with Zion," he dared her and we all laughed about it, since she wore a crop top and a skirt.

"Alright, I'm in," she laughed and got up from her seat.

"You've got to be kidding me," Zion sighed out, but also stood up.

They went towards my bathroom and we followed. Lou got in and took off her top and handed it out to Zion, who got undressed in front of us. They switched shirts, which already looked hilarious and then Lou handed him the skirt through the tiny door gap and got his jeans and belt in return. When Louna got out of the bathroom, she started laughing at Zion, but admittedly she also looked funny in the way too oversized pants. When we all calmed down a bit, we went back into the living room and continued playing.

"Alright, Evan," Lou immediately said, when we all sat down again. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I responded to mix things up a little.

"What's your body count?" she instantly asked, without giving it a second thought.

Ash rolled her eyes. "That was the most boring question you could have asked Evan!"

"No, trust me on this one," Louna responded to her, while I started to blush.

"Uhmmm," I made and Ashana gasped.

"No, you didn't-" she squeaked, grabbing my arm. I didn't look at her, but I could hear her grin.

"One," I mumbled, but they all heard it.

"Fuck, I didn't expect that," she said.

"I knew I heard something," Louna clapped her hands.

"Okay, that's enough!" I tried to stop them.

"Yeah let's continue with the game," Zion said.

"Fine, but we're not done talking," Ashana spoke for herself and Louna and they both gave me a look.

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