Fifty Six

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~Felix's POV~

Growls come from me as I thrusted deep inside of my mate, Hela's hands are on my back holding me close as I have her legs bent and spread. Her back is on the bed as her perfect tits bounce up and down with each thrust.

"Faster Felix" she moans, leaning up she pressed her lips to mine. Kissing her back I thrust a bit faster but not too much since the last time I thrusted too fast or too hard the condom broke. Hela only said "Good thing I'm on the pill"

Clenching her walls around my cock, Helena milks my cock while I still spilling my seed in the condom. Pulling away to breathe, I watch as Helena's chest rises up and down hard. Her body covered in sweat "How it is" Helena runs her hand up and down my chest "every time we're together, you give me the most mind blowing orgasms of my life?"

Smirking I lean down to kiss her before pulling out to throw away the used condom "Because we're made for one another and I know my way around a woman's body, especially my mate's—also we aren't fucking. We're making love" looking at her belly, I imagine what it would be like to have my child growing in her.

"No matter how long you stare" Helena lets out a laugh "a child isn't going to just pop in my belly"

"No" agreeing with her, placing my hand on her belly as I look at her "but it's fun to think about, maybe before your turned we can try"

"I don't know" shaking her head "I mean what if I'm not mom material?"

"We adopted a newborn vampire" reminding her "one who has grown up bouncing from one foster home to another since she was five, each home terrible" Ana told us a bit about her life "in her words were the best foster parents she's ever had" Ana and Demetri are looking for the remains of some dead guy, apparently the school Ana went to PCA they have this ghost story and Ana wants to see if it's true. She's going with a bunch of her friends. Demetri is keeping an eye on her making sure that she doesn't hurt anyone, the cloaking ring should help but just in case Demetri is there. We're in California right now.

"Being parents to a teenage vampire is different" she argues "than being a parent to a child who is a baby, I mean raising and" shaking her head "also the whole pregnancy? Part of me is worried I might die and I can't bare to think of not living to be with you and our children"

"Children?" I ask

Nodding her head "Ana, the kittens" yes the kittens who have gotten much bigger and are being watched over by Rosalie "and our maybe baby"

"I understand your concern" nodding my head "I don't want to lose you, but if we get the chance I'd like to take it. Only if your on board"

She thinks it over for a moment before saying "Maybe we freeze my eggs" tilting my head as I look at her "we use a surrogate, one day we could have that baby of ours but for now it's just us. You, me, Ana and the kittens"

"Okay" nodding my head "I'll hold you up to that in a hundred years?"

Nodding her head "a hundred years from now, let's come back to the topic of a baby with using your sperm and my frozen eggs" she smirks that smirk that I love "but for now, let's practice" grabbing the condom "we can pretend that we're trying for that baby" sliding the condom onto my cock, I grab Hela's hips which has light bruises from my fingers "fuck" closing her eyes, Hela lowers herself into my cock. I hate using condoms, I'd rather be bare inside of her than covered. But no, condoms.

"If" leaning up she looks at me "we're going to practice, you need to be on your back like this" she giggles when I flip us around "and your hips have to be elevated" putting a pillow under her hips so that I'm thrusting into her from a deeper angle "I believe someone in the Volturi said" grabbing the rope that is tied to either side of the bedpost, I tied her ankles so that her legs are spread wide "that when a women gets eggs implanted into her. She needs to keep herself like this for several hours"

"Oh?" She asks "really?"

Nodding my head, leaning over I grab a vibrator and turn it on "But most importantly what helps getting pregnant is how many times you orgasm, so let's see how many times I make you cum tonight" I smile as I thrust in and out of my mate, the vibrator pressed against her clit. Oh this will be fun.

~Ana's POV~

"So let me understand this" Demetri asks me as we watch my friends walk around Red Stone Gulch "there is a dead man around here and they want to find him so that they can what?"this is one of the few things I can do with my friends before leaving to never visit, maybe when their dead. In a few years after a hundred years or more I'll maybe come back to PCA. Good thing I have a bunch of photos of my time here from freshman year till now.

"Get fame" I answer as we are sitting down watching Zoey and Chase talk, Quinn is using her metal detector thing and Logan and Michael are by the small concert hut that has vines "I wonder if they'll go into the shack"

"They shouldn't" shaking his head as we see Logan about to open the door "Don't open that door!" They look our way "there might be a rattle snake in there!"

The others look his way "He's right Logan" Zoey says "you don't know if there's a snake in there"

"Or" Logan shakes his head "Charles Galloway did live in here and you don't want me getting credit" Demetri rolls his eyes getting up and goes over to them, I watch as Logan opened a door and Michael and Logan screamed when a rattle snake launched itself at them. The others scream as Demetri catches the snake by under its head and holds it, using his other hand he grabs the tail. That is one large rattle snake.

Demetri looks inside the hut before saying "unless you want to deal with the other rattle snakes, close the door" Michael quickly does as Demetri comes over to me "want to pet him?"

"Sure" unlike Hela who is surprisingly scared of snakes, I'm not. I find them beautiful "hi"

"Your both crazy" Chase points to us exclaiming

We hear Quinn's beeping thing go off "Guys! I found something"

Demetri goes over to a bush and lets the snake go, the snake slithered away from us quickly. Going over to the others we look to see Quinn hold up a dog tag that read PCA and Charles Galloway.

"You do realize" I ask "this is where he died right?"

They step away "Great" Zoey says "the legend is true, now put it back"

"What?" Logan exclaims

"It's not yours" Demetri shakes his head "to keep, you don't disturb a person's final resting place without facing the consequences"

"Screw you!" Logan exclaims "I am keeping this!"

"Come on Ana" Demetri takes my hand "let your friend deal with the consequences of messing with someone's grave" the others argue with Logan while me and Demetri head down the mountain "will you miss them?"

Nodding my head "Yeah, but I'm sure one day after a very long time I'll see them again. I'm trying to look on the bright side of immortality than the bad"

"Good" wrapping his arm around my shoulder "now" looking around "let's run back to the hotel" taking my hand we run back to the hotel we are staying at. Once here we hear Felix and Hela moaning, banging on the wall and other noises I wish I didn't have to hear "don't worry, you'll get use to sex noises as an immortal"

"I can't believe vampires can have children with humans" I say as we go to our room.

"I know" nodding his head "but from what I know, the only vampires that live with the Dhampirs are the mothers of them who survived or vampire females who wanted children but never could have any so they live there to raise and protect the hybrids"

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