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"Edward?" I ask as I'm sitting in the backseat of his car "by any you have...any trash bags?"

"No" he says "why?" 

"Stop the car" I order


"Stop the car" he does and I run out throwing up. I told Bella I wasn't feeling well today, she said that I was faking it to get sympathy but I'm really not well. Once I'm standing up, I look over to see Bella looks disgusted as Edward is by my side "Can you" I ask "take me home? Please"

"We're just at my place" he says "you can rest there"

"Thanks" I turn to throw up again, Edward pulls my hair back as I heave my breakfast up. I knew there was something weird with the takeout that I ate when me and Leah ordered from that Chinese restaurant in Port Angelas.

Helping me to the car, I lie down as we are silent. Once the car stops, I don't open my eyes as a pair of cold hands help me out and the sudden movement doesn't help that I throw up again but this time I notice it was on Edward's shirt "Sorry"

"It's alright" he says

"Why are you so sick?" Bella asks

I give her a look "I told you I didn't feel well" Edward helps me inside and I go to the stairs sitting down closing my eyes, holding my gut.

Pulling my phone out I call Johnny, he answers after a few rings "Hey"

"Hey" my voice is all sickly

"Hela? Are you alright?" He asks

"No" Bella says something about how light it is here "I've got food poisoning"

"How bad is it? Are you in the hospital?" He asks

Handing the phone to Edward since I throw up in a vase "Hi Johnny it's Edward Cullen" after some silence "no, my parents wanted to meet her along with Bella so I brought them both. Bella said she was fine" I slide down to the floor holding my gut, the only thing helping is how cool it is in here "yeah, I'm going to bring her home soon" hanging up he hands me the phone "Johnny is going to be coming over to your house in an hour"

"Why?" Bella asks

"Because Johnny is an amazing guy" I tell her, possibly the best guy I've ever met that I haven't fucked but just dated.

"Maybe Carlisle can see how bad this food poisoning is" Edward picks me up and brings me upstairs "also this is the one place where we don't have to hide ourselves" I smell something and grab Edward's shirt shaking my head and he sets me down on my feet.

"Trash" I say and Edward hands me something just as I vomit, oh god what was in that food? This is just how I want to meet someone, sick. Today I was going to have met Johnny's siblings.

Pulling away, I see Carlisle before me "Here" he picks me up then brings me to the couch in the living room, once here I groan lying down "what's going on?"

"Food poisoning" I say "I just want to go home"

"I'll take her" hearing Rosalie's voice, she is next to me. I keep my eyes closed as I'm placed in someone's car quickly before something drives off "why did you come over if your sick?"

"Bella" I grumble

"Of course" Rosalie shakes her head

"Why do you like me more than Bella?" I ask

She's silent "You respect people, you found out about our secret and was willing to stay silent because you knew it wasn't your secret to tell. Your sister I don't trust...also you don't treat us any differently unlike your sister. If you were turned into a vampire, how would you feel?"

I raise my eyebrow "Will I?"

"No" shaking her head "not by anyone in my family. But hypothetically if you were turned, how would you feel?"

I think about it "I don't think I'd feel any different, the only thing that goes through my mind is being upset that I'm losing cake but other than that nothing much else. Sure I'll need blood to survive but oh well, the person probably deserves death"

"How do you feel about Johnny O'Conner?" She asks

I smile "He's amazing...sure he's known as our school's bad body slash tortured artist but...he's amazing" groaning "I was supposed to meet his siblings today"

"I'm sure they'll understand" she tells me, when we ger home we see Johnny here "and look who it is" helping me out of the car, we see Johnny with a bag.

"I brought soup" he says "to help"

"Your" I tell him smiling "like my knight in shining armor"

He lets out a laugh "Let's get you inside" helping me inside "my parents by the way know and they understand that you can't make it"

"What's wrong with her?" Looking over we see Paul here

"Go away Lahote" Johnny orders

"I'll deal with him" Rosalie says "just help Hela inside" Johnny helps me to the couch since I can't make it upstairs, not unless someone carries me.

"Here" he gives me my favorite black fuzzy blanket.

"Thank you" I smile to him "I'd kiss you but my breath and mouth is probably disgusting" he kisses the top of my head "Your the best boyfriend ever"

He glares out the window "What is his problem? Does he know that the Cullens are vampires?"

"You know?" I ask

He nods his head "Not like everyone else, I'm not stupid or ignorant. Besides they seem like okay people, I mean they haven't harmed me"

"I'm Paul's imprint" I say

He looks my way and understanding goes through his face "Ah! That makes sense, let me guess? He expected a romantic relationship like with the others in his pack?" I nod my head "he's stupid, you can choose if you want a sibling or friendship bond"

"Can we watch a movie?" I ask "not deal with supernatural shit?"

"Of course" he grabs the remote turning on the tv as Paul storms in, Rosalie behind him "I don't think you were invited inside"

"Hela needs me" he growls "not you" coming by my side he takes my hand "what do you need?"

"You gone" pulling my hand away "leave Paul"

"I'm not leaving" shaking his head

"Leave, I don't want you here" pulling my hand away "you've caused more than enough trouble"

"Hands off leech" Paul snarls at Rosalie

"She doesn't want you here" Rosalie growled "and your elders told you mongrels to stay away from Hela unless she decided to go near you" she then throws him out. Why does god hate me?

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