Thirty Four

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"Hey" I wave my hand to Leah as she rubs her belly which is starting to show her pregnancy, Xavier is next to her as they sit on the couch. This is the first time I'm seeing them in a week since coming back from Volterra. I can't keep putting this off, they have questions and deserve answers "I know you have many questions for me and I'll try to answer them all to the best of my ability"

"Are you becoming a vampire?" Leah asks

I nod my head "Sometime after graduation"

"Are the Cullens turning you?" Xavier asks

"No, someone from the vampire government" they stare at me and we are silent. I really thought they'd have more questions.

"Did Johnny know?" Xavier finally asks the one question I was dreading to answering.

"He's the reason to how I know" Leah takes Xavier's hand as Xavier closes his eyes processing this "I didn't know until he showed me the one book that told him about this. Johnny knew...he didn't want to tell anyone"

"Why not?" Xavier asks

"I don't know" shaking my head

"Was my brother killed by an animal?" Xavier asks

They look at me "Paul killed him, I don't know why but that he did and...I'm so sorry Xavier" he leaves the room. Leah looks at me "I'm going to go"

"It might be best" she nods her head, I go to my car and turn it on before driving back to Forks. I wish I could feel bad but I don't, it's like before I met Johnny.

Once I'm at home, I go in to see Felix laughing with Charlie "Look who's back!" Charlie waves to me to come over.

"Hey" putting my keys in the key bowl "what's going on?"

"Just chatting with your father" Felix tells me "he's telling me stories about what you were like as a baby"

"Oh?" Oh boy "embarrassing stories I'm guessing?"

"I was telling him about your bathing suit phase" he says "I swear Felix, it was near impossible to get her out of the pink bathing suit she had. Her mother and I didn't know what she loved about the bathing suit but refused to take it off. When she did she would wait by the washing and dryer for the piece to be done drying then when it was she grabbed it and put it back on. It took months to finally get her to change into something else" getting up "I'll leave you kids alone...want a beer Felix? Hela?"

"Your offering me beer?" I ask

"You" Charlie says "are my only responsible daughter...also I know you've been drinking since Freshman year"

"I'll take one" nodding my head

"Felix?" He asks

"If you don't mind" he says, Charlie grabs two cans then hands them to us.

"Make sure Bella stays in her room and no Edward" Charlie says as he leaves us then to go to work.

"he cares very for you" Felix comments as I sip my beer.

"I wish" I say as I sit cross legged beside Felix "I could say I care enough to be sad that I'm turning into a vampire but I'm not" There is a knock on the door and I call "it's open" in comes Demetri "hey"

"You wore one bathing suit for months?" He asks coming over and jumps over the couch to sit on the other side of me. Throwing his arm over the back crossing one leg over the other all relaxed "why?"

Making a face at him "That's like asking why a baby likes one food then the other. I just do or did—so this Eleazar? He's coming down from Alaska to meet me?"

They nod their heads "Aro is curious when we brought up your gifts" my phone goes off and I pull it out of my pocket to see it's mom. I don't answer it "your mom?" Nodding my head "why do you call your mom mom and not your dad dad?"

"I'm not really close with him" I say leaning back as I look at Demetri feeling really comfy "as a child I guess I was since I was little but it changed when I was like eight, maybe nine"

"What happened?" Felix asks

"Bella threw a big temper tantrum saying she hates forks and the cold" shaking my head "devastated Charlie since this is his hometown and for Bella to say that she hated it"

"Was like saying she hates him" Demetri sums up, I nod my head "you know your sister is possibly the worst person I've ever met"

"You can add her besides the other murderers of the world" I say, sipping my beer.

"And your not a murderer?" Felix asks amused

"Who said I wasn't?" Looking up at him "I might look sweet and innocent"

"No you don't" Demetri laughs "you made the biggest first impression any human ever made coming into the Volturi"

"Speaking of Volturi" I ask "who's Aro?" They share a look before looking at me "is he the angry one or the rat looking hyena sounding one?"

"Aro is the rat" Felix tried to say through a straight face "looking hyena" Demetri just shakes with laughter. The door opens and we see Bella here, she jumps startled when she sees Demetri and Felix.

"Hello Isabella" using her full name

"I thought dad said no boys over" She looks at Felix and Demetri keeping a distance.

"I'm not the one grounded" we hear meows and the kittens are here "my babies" they try to jump up "Felix? Demetri? Can you help my babies?"

"Sure" Felix nods his head "Come here babies" he picks up three of the kittens and Demetri two, but what gets my attention is that I'm relaxing in Felix's arms alright. I mean his arm is around mine and icing my side. My head on his shoulder. We're like a couple, a perfect fit.

"Then I can have Edward over" Bella says excited

"No" she stops to look at me "Charlie likes Felix, said he is welcome anytime"

"And...him?" Looking at Demetri

"First his name is Demetri" I put up fingers to count "second Charlie doesn't have a problem with either of them and lastly Charlie out me in charge of your punishments" I asked this morning aka I convinced Charlie to let me torture her.

We watch Bella visibly pale and she starts to stutter "" holding her finger up " has to be a joke" shaking her head "'t be...bel...believe you"

"Call Charlie" waving my free hand with the beer making sure not to spill it "he'll tell you that I'm your new torturer" Demetri laughs at the name while Felix snorts.

"I" she nods her head coming over and picks up the phone calling Charlie "will" we wait a few moments "dad? Why is Hela saying she's in charge of my punishment?" We are silent and Bella looks at me terrified "this...Hela is a literal demon dad! She's the actual devil! No! No!" She looks at her phone, guess Charlie hung up.

"Your new attire is on your bed" I tell her

"What?" She whispers

"This" waving to her whole attire of just brown "won't you have to wear the clothes or I'm extending your grounding" she storms off, we watch her stumble up the stairs a few times.

"She's the older one" Demetri points to up the stairs "how? When you two were being born I would have assumed you yanked her umbilical cord" motioning yanking a rope "keeping her inside"

"Three" I count down "two" pointing to the stairs

We hear a scream of "Heels!"

Smiling brightly "I do love torturing my sister"

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