Forty Eight

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"So" Jane asks me as I'm braiding her hair, I'm here in Seattle at the hotel room that she and Alec are in spending time with them while people are being tortured as we speak "your making the Cullens, wolves and human blood singer go crazy because you set a new date for her to be turned which is by your next birthday which is in a few months?"

Nodding my head "Yup"

"I don't think" Alec says as he moved a chess piece in the board, he and Jane are playing a game "I've met anyone as psychotic as you before and that's saying a lot since me and Jane are supposed to be very psychotic"

"Very beautiful ring" Jane studies my hand after I finish the double dutch crown braid. Pulling away, I lean into Felix's side as he wraps his arm around me while my arms wrap around his waist.

"How sure" Demetri asks "are you that Carlisle won't tell anyone about the date?"

"Because I threatened him" Felix says "it was such a funny thing too, all I had to do was use Hela's name and Carlisle agreed"

"You look so sweet and innocent" raising my eyebrow at Demetri "but your so psychotic"

"If you guys don't mind" snuggling into my mate "I'm going to take a nap since soon I won't be able to"

"Night" they all say

~Felix's POV~

"She looks so peaceful" Demetri whispers staring at my mate "like a sleeping tiger" we're in the hotel room hanging out with the twins, they wanted to get to know my mate more and they like her. Plus Hela was getting quite annoyed with the Cullens. I'm actually quite worried about that. The witch twins and my psychotic mate being friends? That is a terrifying relationship.

"Don't wake the tiger" Alec whispers as he takes Jane's rook.

"What happened" Jane asks "to that wolf imprintee?"

"She punched him in the face then stabbed him in the dick" the two look at me then to Helena, then back to me "said that and I quote 'knowing that I chose being a vampire willingly over being with a wolf shifter who smells terrible, is the best way to torture Paul since he'll probably beat himself up knowing that he thinks he could have done more'"

"And if he doesn't?" Jane asks

"That wolf has been angrily watching as I please my mate" smirking at last night's memory, I took my mate out into the wolves and didn't fuck her. No, instead I had her laid out naked and licked her. Had her moaning my name for hours on end, I didn't want our first time together to be in the woods. No, our first time will be someplace more special and definitely not while a wolf is watching "he also watched as she sucked me off"

"So a pervert that wolf is" Demetri laughs

"Her wolf friend Leah" I say "she called us to say how much Paul is agonizing over this, how it isn't him that Hela is being intimate with"

"What's going on with the wolf and blood singer?" Alec asks

Scoffing as I shake my head "Manipulative bitch or slut as I should say, but as Hela complains 'Your insulting sluts by comparing them to her!'" We laugh at that "well the blood singer from what this Leah told us, the wolf initiated the kiss and the blood singer gave in. She soon stopped when she realized about wolf telepathy it appears and how her boyfriend is a mind reader"

"Or in Hela's words" Demetri whispers "a mind rapist"

Hela moves around as she gets comfy beginning to drool as she laughs "Yes" she laughs muttering "let the birds peck out Alice Cullen's eyes, more! More!" She begins to laugh even more.

Demetri covers his mouth laughing, trying not to be too loud "Even in her dreams" shaking his head "she's got such weird dreams"

"Yes Twilight Sparkle" she mutters "I'll have some Bella stew" she goes back to snoring, we know she's asleep since her heartbeat isn't as it normally is. It's more calm and slow while when your awake your heartbeat is somewhat different in pace.

"Bella stew?" Jane snorts

"Isn't Twilight Sparkle" Alec asks "from that tv show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?"

Nodding our heads "She likes watching kids shows sometimes"

"Really?" Jane ask flabbergasted "I more like pictured her only watching American Horror Story or Supernatural"

"She watches those too" nodding my head

"So" Jane asks "how did Hela exactly fall in love with you?"

"I said I have a small library in her room and proceeded to talk about my love of books" I saw her face light up when I mentioned that "so much love on her face when I said that"

"Wait till she sees the Volturi library" Demetri says "she'll want to stay there forever" yes, I'm afraid that might happen. It's why I put a tracker in our wedding bands.

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