Line Break

No one was the same after the battle was over. Every cabin but ours had lost someone.

Nico had followed us into the labyrinth for whatever reason, maybe to find Percy. But after the battle, he just... disappeared. I later learned he ran away when he found out that Simon, his friend in the Hermes cabin, had been killed in the fighting. Percy had searched nonstop for hours but to no avail.

It wasn't until I had been at camp for a few days that I realized just how much Percy had taken on in my absence. Between caring for Chris, looking after Nico, taking care of Mrs. O'Leary, worrying about me, pining over Calypso, and preventing Camp from cracking under the pressure, my brother had a lot on his plate, and he shouldered it all silently. I wondered how he did it. It made me proud of him and sad that he hadn't asked for help.

Everyone was off doing their own thing, comforting their cabinmates. I elected to do that same and wandered over to the arena, where I knew Percy would be. Rather than fighting a dummy, he was on the ground, leaning against Mrs. O'Leary. "Hey, brother."

He took my hand when I sat down. It was either for comfort or as an excuse not to have a conversation, probably both. Nonetheless, I squeezed his hand and leaned back on Mrs. O'Leary as well. I noticed he had his notebook in his lap as he scribbled out a drawing. It looked like a teenager with sharp features and light stubble, Telemachus. Always Telemachus.

Eventually, he let go of my hand but took my arm, closing his notebook. 'Rachel seems to like you.'

"What? No, that can't be right!" I protested. "We barely know each other!"

He shrugged. 'I'm just saying, as your overbearing twin, she and Annabeth both like you.'

I groaned. "You know, I'm 14 minutes older than you."

He grinned. 'I'm perfectly happy with not having a world-ending choice over my head. Thank you.'

I grimaced at the reminder. I was older than Percy, which made me the child of the prophecy. I can't believe it had been all this time and I never thought about Percy being a potential prophecy child. I didn't relish the thought. He had enough to deal with already.

'What are you going to do?' He asked me.

"About the girls?"

'No, about the discrimination in our society.' He looked at me blankly. 'Yes, the girls.'

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, to be honest." I sighed. "I don't think I like Rachel that way. Maybe as a close friend, but not a sibling, and definitely not romantically."

'Good to know I'm held to a higher standard,' He smirked. I glared and shoved him lightly, causing Mrs. O'Leary to exhale loudly. 'But you should tell her that, then. Just make sure you don't mention liking anyone else. That will make her bitter and angry.'

"Duly noted."

'What about Annabeth?'

"I like her," I replied bluntly. "I like her a lot, but I don't know how to tell her because she still likes Luke." He nodded as if he had noticed that as well. "You're going to threaten her, aren't you?"

He shook his head with a smile. 'I already have.' I groaned loudly.

"She kissed me, at Mount Saint Helens," I admitted. His eyes widened. "Gods, it was amazing, even though I almost died. I had to take a second to remember my name."

'I didn't know that, but I don't need a description.' I laughed.

"Percy Jackson," Mr. D interrupted. "Walk with me."

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