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"Hey Boboiboy..."Halilintar said as he stood next to Boboiboy's grave

The grave was in their garden and there are red rose bushes around it

"The rose are blooming nicely....Do you like it..?"Halilintar asked and sat next to his grave

"I miss you....I want to see you again,but I can't....I doubt that I will even see you when I die....afterall,why would a demon like me go to heaven...?"

Halilintar sat there and talked for a while until sky suddenly became filled with tundering clouds and it started to rain hevealy

Halilintar stood up and went inside,he went out again with a guitar in his hands and he sat next to his grave

"Don't worry...the thunder can't hurt you..."Halilintar said before he played his guitar and sang

It's a habit of his to sing him a song whenever it rained hevealy and thundered since Boboiboy was afraid of thunder.

After a few hours,the rain stopped and Halilintar also stopped playing his guitar.

"You never gave me a proper explaination....why are you afraid of thunder,but not of me...?I also have thunder magic,but you find my thunder rather wonderful than terrifying....I wish you were here now..."

After a while Halilintar went inside the house and went to the kitchen

He took a knife and wanted to cut himself,but the knife fell from his hands,as if someone had just slapped the knife away from his hands

"Let me die Boboiboy...."Halilintar said with no will to live in his voice

This was a normal day for Halilintar.He would always spend time at Boboiboy's grave and tried to kill himself later on,but it never worked

"I should just go to sleep..."Halilintar said and went to sleep before even eating dinner

Halilintar couldn't sleep due to his hunger and was forced to wake up to eat

He went to the kitchen to eat,but there wasn't any food in the fridge,so he had to go out to find food

He went to a river to catch some fish,but when he arrived there,he found a boy laying on the shore.He was unconscious and had bruises all over his body

"Hm...?"Halilintar approached him and crouched down" awake?"

The boy didn't respond and Halilintar stood up again and went inside the river to catch some fish

After he caught three fish,he decided to go home,but then he looked at the boy again and decided to bring him too

"What am I doing...."Halilintar thought as he went back home

After arriving home,he laid the boy on his bed and got some herbs and bandagdes to heal him

After bandaging him,he went to cook the fish that he has caught

"Mm..."The boy started to wake up"Ouch..!"

The boy sat down and held his bandaged stomach

"Whare am I...?"He said with a weak voice and slowly stood up"'s hurt..."

"Stop trying to stand you will fall"Halilintar said as he entered the room with a plate of three cooked fish

"W-who are you...?"The boy asked with fear in his voice

"Halilintar"Halilintar replied and went closer,but the boy got scared when he got closer and stumbled when he tried to back away

Halilintar quickly caught him with one hand and help him sit down on the bed while offering him a fish

"One want?Don't worry it's not poisened"Halilintar said

The boy hesitated,but accepted his offer since he was really hungry

"Thank you..."The boy thanked him with a quiet voice and started eating

"Careful it's hot"Halilintar warned him,but that was late since he had already burned his tounge

Halilintar sighed and got him a glass of water


"Thank you..."He thanked him again

"Do you have a place to stay?"Halilintar asked

"N-no..."He replied

"Stay as long as you want"Halilintar said and left with a fish while leaving the other fish for him

"Huh???I can stay???wait-"The boy said and tried to follow him,but he couldn't as his body was still to weak to properly wake up

"Why did he save me...?Why did he let me stay here...?"The boy thought to himself

The night passes and the sun soon rose.The boy's body was now strong enough to stand and he walked to the kitchen where he saw Halilintar cooking

"G-good morning.."The boy said with a bit of fear in his voice

"Morning...sit"Halilintar said and put a plate of food on the table

"Thank you"The boy said as he gave him a little smile and sat down on the table

Halilintar didn't say anything and just sat down to eat

"Um....why did you save me...?"The boy asked hesitanly

"I don't know"

"You don't know...?"The boy asked confused and Halilintar nodded

"Um...I wanted to ask you one more thing..."

"What is it?"

"Can I really stay here...?"

"Stay as long as you want,I don’t care,just don't go into that room or I'm kicking you out right away"Halilintar said and stressed the last sentence in a threatening way while pointing at the room next to the room where Gempa slept

"Y-yes"The boy replied and stuttered as he was afraid by Halilintar's sudden threatening tone

Halilintar nodded and washed his plate.The room was akwardly silence,there was only the noise from washing the dish that could be heard.

"U-um my name is Gempa,what about y-you..?"Gempa asked

"Halilintar,hali for short"

"O-oh nice to meet you"Gempa said and gave him a small smile

"You don't have to talk to me,just ignore me,it's fine.I know you're scared because I'm a demon,so stop pretending  that you're okay with it."

With that,Halilintar left the room and went outside

Gempa just watched him leave,he wanted to say something,but was to afraid to do it

I hope ypu enjoyed ^^

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