"Jacob" Bella looks at him surprised then looks at Edward "you knew he was there"

"Didn't you?" Felix asks "he's stuck to your side twenty four seven and the boy calls us leeches" muttering the last part having me and Demetri snicker.

"Jake wait!" Bella exclaims "Don't!" She yells when Edward tries to keep her from going "Jake! Wait!"

Edward looks pained and sees us looking so he storms off "Oh" I smile "best camping ever" leaning my body onto Felix, he holds me as we listen in to the Bella and Jacob show.

"I am so done!" Jacob yells

"What" she stutters "what can I do?"

"Nothing!" He yells "go be like Hela and become a leech! While I can by going out there and killing something"

"No" Bella begs "you're not thinking clearly! Don't do that!"

"Maybe I'll get myself killed" Jacob offers "and make it simple for you"

"Doesn't that boy" Felix asks "have a father and two sisters?"

Nodding my head, I pull out my phone and call Rebecca "I'm friends with his eldest sister, she and I bond over our hatred for Bella" when it answers I say "Hi Rebecca"

"Hey Hela" she says "how's torturing your sister?"

"Amazing, but that isn't why I called"

"Oh?" She asks "what's up?"

"I think you and Rachel need to have an intervention with your dad" I say, I care about her so I'm not having her be in pain. But Billy on the other hand "Bella just got engaged and Jacob found out so now he wants to kill himself"

"Wait! What?" She exclaims "he said those words he wants to die?"

"Because my sister is marrying someone else" I confirm "my husband and my brother in law are here too, they can even confirm"

"I'm calling Rachel" she says "thanks Hela, this was kind of you"

"I try at times" hanging up, they look at me "what?"

"That was kind of you" Demetri narrows his eyes on my suspiciously "Felix" he whispers "this may not be Hela"

"It is" Felix says "Hela has her kind moments at times"

"Jacob's father has a terrible relationship with his eldest daughter" they stare at me "I can only imagine how Rebecca will yell at Billy, plus Billy will think he did a terrible job as a father hearing how Jacob wanted to die for Bella"

"I knew it!" Demetri points at me "there's that deviousness"

"I do care for Rebecca" I add "but I do love torturing her father" we see Bella come back with swollen lips "hello my slutty sister"

"Can you just" Bella shakes her head "can you act like my sister for once? Please—I don't know how it happened"

"Really?" I scoff "you don't know how kissing him happened?" I quickly text Rebecca telling her that Bella kissed Jacob and is playing with his emotions, Rebecca will get Jacob in line.

"He wanted to die and I couldn't think of anything else!" She exclaims "and oh god! Edward!" She looks around and sees Edward walk over "Edward...it just happened and"

"She kissed another guy" Demetri says "and isn't sure how it happened and is trying to explain to her fiancé who can read minds and has excellent heading?"

"She stuuuupid" I say. Said it like Sam Puckett from ICarly. Seth comes over and I go over giving him a hug "Oh Seth, I'm going to miss you when I'm a vampire" he nuzzles his face into my side "just know I'll be there for your funeral"

"Such comforting words she gives" Demetri laughs, I go over to Felix who holds me.

"The battle is starting" Edward tells us, I then remembered going to my bag I pull out two blood bags for Demetri and Felix who look at me surprised.

"Where did you get blood bags?" Bella asks me

Shrugging my shoulders "Got a guy" pulling out some popcorn for myself, I lean against the boulder as they stare at me "what?"

Demetri and Felix open their bags and raise them like their cheering before drinking it "Jacob just got there" Edward says making Bella nervous  "he's good"

Bella asks "Someone's hurt?"

"She's close" he goes to grab Bella as Felix holds into me protectively "I can hear her thoughts, Seth go. She knew I wasn't there, she caught my scent" Bella looks around as I hear some rustling "she knew you'd be with me"

"She found us" Bella says

"She's not alone" looking over we see Riley Biers the missing kid who is a vampire come over.

"Riley" Edward tries to talk to him, he empathetic or some shit like that "listen to me, Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you" hearing a rustle with some snow that falls on me, we look up to see Victoria above us on the boulder. Felix and Demetri pull me away from her, she looks at us three then to the others.

"Hi" I smile waving my hand to her

Felix lowers my hand whispering "Don't talk to the angry vengeful vampire"

"Yeah but she's after Bella" I say "so she's good in my books"

"What about you in hers?" He points out "she'll want to kill you since your the human's twin sister"

I think about it "You make a good point"

"Don't listen, Riley" Victoria begs "I told you about their mind tricks"

"I can read her mind" Riley looks between them "so I know what she thinks of you"

"He's lying"

"She only created you" Edward says, oh my gosh this is like angel and devil shoulder. You know? Where the good angel is Edward trying to talk sense while Victoria is the devil on his other shoulder "and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That's the only thing she cares about, not you"

"There's only you" Victoria says "you know that"

"Why" Riley looks at us "are you here? I thought it was just those two"

"We're here to enjoy the show" I say waving popcorn "see"

Riley looks at Felix and Demetri who have their arms crossed, he looks at Edward and says "you're dead" he attacks but Seth comes out of no where.

"Your the Volturi" Victoria says looking at us "if I asked for help would you help?"

"Should have done that last year" Felix says "if you want to kill him go ahead—the other one is occupied" Victoria runs at Edward screaming when he taunts her. After some time, Bella cuts her arm and the vampires focus their attention on her. Edward manages to kill Victoria and once he does Seth kills Riley.

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