Matt and I have been friends for a while. Secretly, I want to be more.

"I don't believe you," she said, shaking her head. "Just go out already,"

"What about Chase?" I teased.

She and Chase totally have something going on.

"Chase has eyes for you, he always has." She reminded me.


"I want nothing to do with Chase," I promised, as we walked into the cafeteria.

I took the seat next to Nate and across from Matt with an empty seat next to me.

"He wants the complete opposite," Kimmy said, sitting down next Chase, Myles and Sage across from her.

"Who wants the complete opposite of what?" Chase asked, chowing down on French fries.

I rolled my eyes, opening my lunch bag. Mom packed my favorite, chicken caesar wrap.

"So how about Carter's party Saturday night?" Myles asked, getting the guys routy and hyped up. "It's gonna be great,"

"You coming Aud?" Matt asked, stealing one of my grapes,. He threw it in the air and caught it with his mouth.

I nodded and shrugged.

"Cool," He nodded.

"Audrey you're hosting the graduation party this year, right?" Sage asked, causing everyone else's attention to be fixed on my answer.

"I can," I nodded. "We can have a pool party or something."

"We only have like three weeks left of our eighth grade year," Sage pointed out.

"High school next year," Chase justified. "You know what happens then."

No one cares Chase.

"The chicks only get hotter," Myles amended, agreeing with Chase.

"And older," Matt amended, fist bumping the guys.

Typical guys.

"What's the plan for graduation?" Molly asked, slipping into the empty seat next to me.

"Don't know yet," Nate informed her. "Ms. Audrey here has not worked out the details,"

"Yet," I amended. "I have not worked out the details yet,"

"Let me know as soon as you do," she rolled her eyes. "My parents are fighting again so we may leave early for the summer."

Her parents constantly have problems and her and her siblings suffer from it.

"You can always stay in the guest house," I tried, passing her a small smile. 

"I wish," she muttered. 

"Awe it'll get better," I promised, hugging her from the side. 

The rest of our friends glanced at her with sympathetic gazes. The only thing we can do for her is be there for her.

She passed us sad smiles and began to eat her lunch. 

We all continued eating our lunch and chatting obnoxiously.

"Hey Audrey," Matt said, catching my attention. "Go to Carter's bonfire with me,"

I looked at him and shrugged as I threw my trash away. 

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