"Well it doesn't seem that way." I mumble to myself.

"그래, 그냥 네 동생이 무섭다는 거야." He says in a nervous tone (I am it's just your brother is scary)

"그는 그저 질투할 뿐이다." I reply laughing. "He'll get over it."  (He's just jealous)

Apparently this part of the conversation sparks Damines interest. "Get over what, you guys were talking too fast I couldn't translate."

This makes me giggle and Saul smirk.

Damn he's so fine.

I mentally slap myself for even thinking that. I've been trying to keep my distance for Saul in a sense because i've met men like him in Korea and it never ended well.

He's the type of guy to only want to be friends with benefits, then draw the line when you get too clingy. What makes it worse is it's a very invisible thin line that you won't be able to see until it's too late. I know his type all too well and I think we're better off how we are now.

"Okay let's break the ice what's your MBTI?" I ask looking at Saul.

"I'm an ENTJ what about you?"

"INTP." I say looking out of the car window.

"재밌는." He says tapping his finger on the steering wheel.

"Interesting indeed."

The car ride goes by smoothly, it's mostly Saul asking me questions about myself and then asking questions about Damien in Korean because he was too scared to ask Damien himself.

We end up pulling up to the venue and going through the back doors because thanks to my rockstar sister we all got backstage passes.

There's a lot going on backstage and frankly I don't feel like I belong here, thank god I never followed through with playing the guitar professionally.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a very familiar voice.

"Hey Sis, you're here." Celeste says while hugging me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say while squeezing her face and kissing both of her cheeks.

"Okay Salem you can let her go now I want a hug too." Damien says looking annoyed.

Celeste taps on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. "Who pissed in his cereal?"

I don't even respond I just point to Saul, and she's already put the pieces together. My baby sister is so smart when she wants to be sometimes.

She hugs Damien and shakes Saul's hand.

"Come meet the band." She says looking excited.

Celeste guided us to a room with a couple of people in it, and as soon as I enter i'm hit with the smell of weed, cigarettes, and a bit of cologne and perfume.

Yep that's Celeste for you.

I can't even be mad at her though I used to smoke weed but that was a while ago, and I just stopped smoking cigarettes like a year ago. I started smoking them when I moved to Korea a few years back and it was either that or get insanely drunk every night which I was not a fan of.

"So umm." Celeste begins. "That's Archy on bass." A skinny white boy with curly blonde hair looks up and waves at us, but I don't miss the wink he shoots me. That's a fine ass white boy. "Woah Celeste your sister is hot." I hear someone with a thick Korean accent say, I can tell it's specificity Korean because of the way they pronounce their vowels and i've had plenty of men try to hit on me in english numerous times while I was still living in Korea.

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