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Two years later, there stood Kin Namjoon. He cried that day he got home.

He buried his head into the pillow next to him, silencing his cries, please, screams and pain.

He screamed and cried until his voice became hoarse and dry.

He pleaded til every word in the Korean and English dictionary couldn't accommodate.

His heart begged to soothed over.

The world continued on that day, as if Kimberly never even existed. The sun still rose and the birds still chirped. Earth was not thrown off it's axis, though they all felt as if it did

The weekend following Kimberly's passing was a weekend that was engraved into Namjoon's mind.

As Kimberly's body was lowered into the ground and the choir sang 'Amazing Grace' Namjoon felt his heart being buried alongside it. He would never forget the look on his cousin's face, broken at the sight of him. The pain he must've felt was to be immeasurable. For he loved her too.

Dearly, might I add

So there he stood, infront of Kimberly's two year tombstone. He brought the paper cup to his lips as he drank the coffee.


Her favorite.

He had found this out mistakenly one day as she ordered two coffees and gave him her order instead. He found solace in this particular drink, having it everyday for the past two years. At first he found it... different from his usual preference, but after a while, his tongue - alongside his mind- accepted it.

But it didn't make the fact better.

He quietly replaced the withering roses of the earth and placed the cup next to the tombstone before heading off to work.

There, he saw Claire, working per usual. He greeted her and walked into his office.

He never had another assistant, he just couldn't. Even after two years with the company's growth, he would rather leave the office late than replace Kimberly.

His phone dinged, signalling a message from an app.

"Hey," she said, sitting across him

"Kimberly, please. I'm working." he replied.

Yes, it did seem weird. He was talking to his own consciousness in the form of his late crush.

"You have to start dating again," she said, twirling around a pencil.

Namjoon sighed, flipping through a business proposal. Don't get him wrong, he tried avoiding it, but after a while he gave up.

"No, I have work to do," he replied.

"At least go on that date Yoongi set up," she offered. " If you do, I'll leave you alone," she added raising her eyebrow. The one thing about consciousness Kimberly was that she was almost as good as the real thing. Today, like other days, she was wearing her hot pink suit that Namjoon first saw her in

He contemplated about it, before a voice sounded. " Oh my gosh you really wanna let go of me?" she joked, bringing her hand to her chest,although Namjoon took it slightly true.

When she saw his features, she immediately regretted it."shit, Namu, not like that. if you don't want to it's fine," Kimberly said.

"Nah, it's okay," he replied then went back to work.

"Just...go on the date," she said, then disappeared, to Namjoon's sadness.

Sigh, okay

Later that day, Namjoon low-key panicked.

What am I doing? He thought

"Namjoon," Jimin smiled, "relax, it's just a date. And if it doesn't go well, shift her my side," he winked, causing Namjoon to slightly cheer up

His phone dinged, only to bring back the anxiety. "Oh shit, she texted. Dude, what should I say?" Namjoon panicked. Jimin grabbed his shoulders and shook them, bringing Namjoon's eyes his.

"Relax, breath and go slay that date," Jimin said and with that Namjoon left

"Thanks a lot Kimberly," he whispered as he made it to the door.

That caught Jimin's attention. "What did you say?" he asked,his heart skipping a beat.

"Oh, nothing," Namjoon said and headed out.

Jimin sighed, his heart becoming a bit heavy.

"What did you do?" he asked his Kimberly

"Nothing," she said. "Just gave him advice" she added smiling and popped the chop into her mouth which made a Jimin chuckle and plop down onto the couch.

The fricken end. Wow, was this book not long - in terms of writing. Yoh, wow, exams. Anyways, this book could not have been done without the Lord's grace being upon me and without the dear people I mentioned in the Acknowledgement chapter. So with that, it's au revoir, until the next book 😄

Cappuccino - KNJ &PJMWhere stories live. Discover now