𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

Start from the beginning

She opened the bathroom door and made her way back into Levani's room.

"Girl, that was a quick ass phone call. Is everything good? Face mugged up and all." Cinese's best friend, Levani asked.

"Yeah, it was my mom. You know how she is."  She said.

"Girl, I don't know how you still in contact with her. Would've been cut her ass off." Tianna, her other best friend said.

Cinese met Levani & Tianna her freshman year in highschool. They didn't get along at first, 7 years later they're unseprable. So unsperable they rented an apartment together.

"Yeah, but at the end of the day she's still my mother you know? She is all I got, ever since my dad died." She spoke.

"Yeah, and I get that but you can't let her treat you anyhow. Blood or not." Levani shrugged. Cinese stayed quiet because she knew Levani was right. She couldn't continue to let her walk all over her.

"Okay! Enough of this, what are you gonna do for your 23rd birthday partyyy?!" Tianna squealed. She still didn't know what she wanted to do. She never really was the type of person to go all out for her birthday.

"I don't know. Something small? What should I do?" Cinese said, grabbing a piece of gum. "Bora Bora sounds nice" Levani said.

"Girl, with what money?" Tianna asked, making Cinese laugh.

"You guys know I can always have a simple dinner. Nothings wrong with that." Cinese shrugged. She didn't mind keeping things cute and simple.

"You're not serious." Levani said.

"Excuse you, I very much am, the fuck you mean?" She asked putting her hand on her chest.

"Uhn, Uhn! Who the hell wanna have a simple ass birthday dinner? Girl, you are turning 23, not 18." Levani said. Tianna laughed.

"She's rightt, have some funn!" Tianna agreed.

"I don't knoww." She said. She didn't even know where they would even go.

"Your birthday's in a month. We all can save if we combine it together." Levani said. "'Mmm. What about my Mom?" She asked.

"Don't piss me off." Levani said, making Cinese laugh.

"Ok! We'll do it." Cinese finally agreed.

"Period!! Yall better be taking all those shifts. Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!" Levani squealed.


Cinese grabbed her keys from her pocket and opened her moms door. She walked inside and immediately saw her mother staring at her.

"I sent you at 4:30, it's now 5:21!" Her  mom yelled. She knew her mom was gonna do this. She always did it.

"I know. I told you I was at my apartment and you know I live 30 minutes away. There
was also traffic." She explained. She didn't even know why she was explaining herself,  it was pointless.

"That's no excuse! When I tell you to come you should come immediately." She shouted

"I-" She closed her mouth and decided not to argue. Her mom would always start arguments, but when Cinese decided to speak, its "Disrespect" or "Talking back".

"Well I'm here now. Where are the bags I need to pack?" She asked, to get it done and over with.

"Don't dismiss me. Uncle Joe already packed it." Her mom said. Cinese stared at her for a long time before finally asking, "What?" She couldn't believe her mom just made her drive 30 minutes just to tell her someone else already packed it.

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now