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lizz226744 I wasn't really sure what to do with this 😅💖

Y/N POV: "hey 'press...what do you have there?" I asked as I looked at my sad looking little boy. He was holding his rabbit stuffie in his arms holding it and sitting in the swinging egg chair. "I want a bunny!" He yelled sadly. He whined and hugged the stuffie tighter. "Baby you know we can't keep a bunny in the apartment." He tossed the stuffie at me.

A few days later.

"Hey bubs, how about we go to the store?" Reluctantly he nodded and walked with me to the car. We get in and I start to drive to the local rescue center. "What are we doing here?" He mumbled. "You'll see darling." I take his hand and we walk inside the building. A nice lady asks us if we need help. I tell her no and start to walk down a hallway. "Here we go! Bunnies." I watch as compress' face lit up and we walked in the room. "Just know we're getting two. Rabbits need friends while we're at work." He smiled and ran to go find two rabbits. Eventually he called me over to a pair of bunnies.  A black one and a white one. "Ash and snow!" He said happily. I smiled and patted his head. He was so smiley and adorable! Eventually we pay for the bunnies and take them home. I had been keeping my little one out of an extra room we had because I was turning it into a bunny palace. I had already gotten approved online so this would be easy. I place him in the backseat with the bunnies in a carrier. I give him his sippy cup. "Do NOT open that carrier until we get home. Okay?" He nods. I start to drive. "We have some rules for the bunnies too, okay?" He started at me curiously but nodded. "Wha rules?" I smile "little one, you are not allowed to use them for magic tricks okay? Things like jumping through a hoop and spin and jump, is okay. But no pulling them out of hats an holding them by their ears okay?" He smiles and nods. "...we have carrot at home for ashy and snowy?" "Of course we do my little magician!"

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