it's okay sho

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Shoto POV: I was unfortunately called into work on an important mission. Of course I didn't have time to call in sick since I was. I ended up decided to go am not eat anything since it probably won't be in my stomach long. My head hurt so badly and so did my stomach I wanted to curl up and go to sleep. But I didn't, I couldn't. Once I got there it was 20 minutes of fighting before I ran to an alleyway to go throw up. I felt gross and hot still wanting to go home.  However,  "damn kid you okay?" I froze. I knew it was Touya but I was still scared he was a villain now. "Sho I'm not going to hurt you." I turned around and started tearing up. I missed him so much.

Dabi POV: Sho started crying when he saw me so like a big brother I pulled him into a hug and held him. "Bubs it's okay, I'm here." He started crying a river and holding me tightly.  "Bubba I sick! I wan go home!" "Yeah that's a good idea right now bubs." I knew about his regression and went to look at the fight, which had significantly died down. I picked him up Koala style and walked to his apartment. I set him down to unlock the door and then took him inside. We went to his room and I grabbed a onesie, no choice just a onesie. "Bubs how old are you?" " I tree." "Mkay." I kept the onesie out and grabbed a pull up for him. "Okay we're going to get you in the tub then you need medicine." Of course Shoto frowns and started pouting. "Nope we're not pouting,  you need the medicine so you won't be a sicky baby." We got the bath done now it was medicine time...." Shoto, look it blue raspberry it's good!" "Yucky bubba! I not want it!" "Well how bout I get you water then we can have cuddle time?" Thankfully that got him excited since it had been so long since we had bubba time. "Otay!" He opened his mouth and I poured it all in. Then we laid down on the couch to cuddle I turned on Elsa for him to watch and he sat their hugging me. Eventually he fell asleep and I had to leave him I got up and set him on his bed then walked back to the living room then the kitchen to leave a note saying how much I loved him and my Discord user.

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