thunder storm troubles

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Shiggy POV: I was with Dabi when it started raining, I didn't think much about it until I heard a very loud crack of thunder and saw Dabi jump. "Hey Dabi are you okay?"  I knew about his regression and that he was scared of loud noise like thunder. "Y-yeah..." "If you so, let me know though okay?" "Mkay." About 5 minutes later I caught a glimpse of Dabi sitting on the couch watching cartoons trying to not cry. So I went over and hugged him "are you okay bubba?" He turned around and hugged me back crying. "Shhhh it's okay." The thunder cracked again and Dabi jumped. "Do you want angle milk?" "Pease." "Okay bubba." I set him on the couch and turned up the volume of the TV. I then went into the kitchen (LOV house & bar/meeting place 2 things) and thought of the simple  ingredients, I poured the milk to the 2nd highest line and added 1 teaspoon of sugar then a little bit of vanilla. I heated it up and shook it up to make sure all heat was equal and flavored right. "Here kid." I handed him the baby bottle which he happily and anxiously drank. He stopped for a second and babbled a "thank you," it was quiet and sweet I assumed he was slipping into a smaller headspace since he was scared and the response was babbled.  "Your welcome, come get me if you need anything okay?" "Tay." I watched as he drank his bottle and clung to the pillow on the couch. So I went to his room and grabbed his Paci and his favorite stuffie. I also grabbed a onesie for him. "Hey Dabi." He looked at me and made grabby hands for the stuffie. "Uh uh no silly." That was the wrong choice of words, he always took being told no as a sign of hate because of trauma and usually was when scared. He started crying and looked down." Hey hey hey, no buddy I'm sorry I said that wrong, yes you can have your stuffie but can I put you in the onesie?" He nodded yes and wiped his eyes. I gave him the toy, laid him down and changed his clothes. Then  I picked him up holding him tightly to calm him. I also gave him his Paci and let him finish his baba. "Seepy." He mumbled after finishing his drink.  "Okay well let's go to your room bubba." "Tay." I laid him down and put his Paci in his mouth while he slowly fell asleep. 

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